Marc Lavoine: how the singer convinced his eldest son to return to France

The distance with his eldest son Simon had become too complicated for Marc Lavoine, who knew how to do violence to ask him to come back home. A request that the juror of The Voice confided in the columns of Paris Match, this January 13.

She has revolver eyes, but he has easy tears. From his beginnings in the chair of The Voice in 2020, Marc Lavoine let his emotion speak during the auditions of certain candidates, including that of a certain Jim Bauer with whom he thought he had won the cup. A skin-deep sensitivity that he did not try to hide behind his strange glasses and which convinced the producers of the tele-hook to renew it for an additional season. Here he is indeed on the track for a new season as a juror, alongside a little new, Nolwenn Leroy, whose role is still very mysterious. Line Papin’s upset companion, who makes no secret of his current grief, always has the right words to achieve his ends. One of the sensitive subjects concerns his family, and in particular the birth of his eldest son Simon.

“I ended up daring to ask him to do it for me”

A child who has put his bundle down in the United States, the country of his mother, the model Denise Pascale, and that he tries to convince him to take the opposite path. For years I’ve been nagging him: ‘You know, it would be good for you if you came to France from time to time. You have two nationalities, two colors, it’s a wealth'”, indicated the crooner in the columns of Paris Match, on newsstands this January 13. Words that struck a chord in the heart of this expatriate man, who accepted this request. “He didn’t come. So, one evening, I ended up daring to ask him to do it for me too. Because I couldn’t live without him anymore. By the time I hung up, he landed with his suitcases “, he said, explaining that his house had become the refuge of his entire clan. A clan that knew how to tune its violins.

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