Mare Nostrum: Retrospective 2021


For more than 15 years, the group Mare Nostrum is a global player in human resources management specializing in temporary work, recruitment, training as well as wage portage and professional mobility.

The Group is present throughout the employment cycle through a multi-brand offer dedicated to SMEs. Its tailor-made customer-oriented approach with high added value allows it to post profitable and dynamic growth.

It relies on more than 270 permanent employees, 12,000 temporary workers and nearly 100 commercial establishments (France and International).

Mare Nostrum has been awarded the Innovative Company label by Bpifrance.


Mare Nostrum SA published this content on December 28, 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 28 December 2021 08:46:07 UTC.


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