Marine Le Pen on Marion Maréchal’s choice not to support her in the presidential election: “It’s brutal, it’s violent”

Guest of the CNEWS morning show this Friday, Marine Le Pen (RN) returned to the choice of Marion Maréchal, her niece, not to support her in the next presidential election. “It’s brutal, it’s violent,” she conceded.

“I have a special story with Marion because I raised her with my sister during the first years of her life, so obviously it’s brutal, it’s violent, it’s difficult for me,” he said. she underlined, very moved.

In addition to the “painful” personal aspect, Marine Le Pen also testified to her “political incomprehension”. “She (Marion Maréchal, editor’s note) had indicated that she would support whoever is best placed. Undoubtedly, I am much better placed today than Eric Zemmour since I am given in the second round and I believe – given the polls – in the ability to win against Emmanuel Macron”, she explained.

These statements come as Marion Maréchal has indicated that she will not return to the National Rally for the presidential battle and that she will not support her aunt either, whom she blames for her ideological changes.

“I experienced seven years of party discipline, which I experienced badly, even if I don’t regret anything. My nature is not to recite elements of language”, she also underlined.

Towards support for Eric Zemmour?

However, Marion Maréchal does not draw a line under politics. According to Le Parisien, she would even hesitate to join Eric Zemmour, who continues to siphon off the RN. “I’m thinking. No decision has been made,” she told our colleagues.

“I don’t know who is best. The campaign is still long. Éric Zemmour has a greater margin of progression among the working classes and abstentionists than Marine Le Pen among the upper classes, ”added the director of Issep.

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