Marion Maréchal: “a third of the refugees are not Ukrainians”

Asked in the Morning of CNEWS on the reception of Ukrainian refugees, Marion Maréchal, support of Eric Zemmour in the presidential campaign, estimated that it was necessary to meet the needs of Ukrainians while pointing out that a third of the refugees who arrived in France since the beginning of the war are not Ukrainians.

The former deputy relied on an article in Le Figaro, according to which, of the more than 5,000 refugees from Ukraine in France, 30% were of other nationalities, in particular Algerian. These migrants “obviously took advantage of the opening and the corridor set up today from Ukraine to the Schengen area […] to fit into the system”, underlined Marion Maréchal, considering that it was “important to be attentive” to the question.

According to her, it is imperative “not to make the distress of Ukrainians – which is real – an electoral issue, or an image issue”.

Marion Maréchal also considered that the urgency was to “meet the needs of Ukrainians”. “Ukrainians who wish to go to neighboring countries to stay close to their families and do not wish to move further away from their territory, we must be able to immediately provide them with humanitarian aid, logistical and health aid…” , she explained. And to continue: “Then, if refugees wish to come to France for various reasons, because they have family or ties there, Eric Zemmour of course said that there were no difficulties with that” .

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