Marion Rousse accomplice with her son Nino: selfie for two and matching hat

Things have changed a lot in the life of Julian Alaphilippe and Marion red since June 14, 2021. That day, Nino entered their life and changed everything, for the better to believe the two parents who only have eyes for their little blond with blue eyes and an angelic smile . An arrival that visibly motivated the 29-year-old cyclist who became world champion in road cycling for the second year in a row last September. A feat he sought by drawing motivation from his family and his little Nino.

For her part, if she is very busy with her new functions, Marion Rousse always finds the time to have a good time with her son. Sports consultant for France 2, the beautiful 30-year-old blonde does not hesitate to satisfy her 285,000 subscribers on Instagram with fairly regular publications from her little family and especially from her adorable little Nino! This is exactly what she did 3 days ago by posting a cute selfie during a two-person walk with her son.

Dressed to face the cold of a month of January, Marion and Nino opted for a matching blue beanie. “Mini & Mama”, she wrote in commentary to take up the inscription that can be read on their caps. On the two photos published, we can see the companion of Julian Alaphilippe all smiling with her son in a baby carrier. A photo that the latter was quick to comment on with a beautiful red heart emoji to which she responded in the same way.

A publication which greatly pleased Internet users since they are more than 43,000 to have liked these two photos of Marion Rousse and her son. The comments are all in the same direction. “How beautiful you are. Nino has crazy eyes”, or “Too good both of you”, subscribers are thrilled!

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