Marvel quiz: 9 questions about Thor to make you hammer!

Do you think you know anything about “Thor”? The adventures of Chris Hemsworth and his hammer hold no secrets for you? Then you necessarily know the name of all the characters in the saga and will be up to our quiz!

This Wednesday, July 13, the blockbuster Marvel Thor: Love and Thunder is released in theaters, the fourth installment in the saga dedicated to the Nordic superhero. The opportunity for the Australian actor Chris Hemsworth to find his famous hammer and again give the reply to Natalie Portman, absent from the previous opus.

Released in theaters in 2011, the first Thor plunges viewers into the realm of Asgard. We meet a warrior as powerful as he is arrogant, whose reckless acts trigger an ancestral war. Banished and sent to Earth by his father, he is condemned to live among humans. But when the forces of evil in his kingdom are about to unleash on Earth, Thor will learn to behave like a true hero…

With four solo adventures on the clock and adventures alongside the Avengers, the character of Thor is a key figure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Physically impressive, funny and endearing, this superhero immediately won over audiences: the first film attracted more than 1.7 million viewers, while The Dark World and Ragnarok recorded 2.3 and 2 respectively. 5 million entries.

Do you think you know anything about the superheroic Thor saga? Are you sure the adventures of Chris Hemsworth and his hammer have no secrets for you? Then try the no-fault with our quiz centered on the names of the characters of the franchise. On your marks… Get set… Play!

Did you know ? It’s Joss Whedoncreator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and future director of avengerswho recommended Chris Hemsworth to director Kenneth Branagh for the role of Thor. He had been able to collaborate with the actor on The Cabin in the Woods (2010), which he produced and wrote.

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