Marvel’s Blade already seduces with first images

During the ceremony of Game Awards 2023, Arkane Lyon (Dishonored, Deathloop) revealed his next game: Marvel’s Blade. A third-person single-player action game with Eric Brooksa vampire who hunts his fellows and capable of going out during the day, hence his nickname Daywalker.

Marvel's Blade Artwork02 Marvel's Blade Artwork03

A title obviously eagerly awaited by comic fans as the character is cult and as the previous gamesArkane Lyon are critical successes. The title still remains quite mysterious, but today we are entitled to the first three artwork signed Sergey Kolesov and Jean-Luc Monnet, shared by the creative and artistic co-director Sebastien Mitton. Of the concept arts which probably don’t represent the artistic direction of the final game, but it’s already very pretty.

Moreover, Arkane Lyon recruits quite a few people, including important positions, suggesting that the developer of Marvel’s Blade is still in its early stages. The title is expected on a date still unknown and on platforms not yet defined. Will it be exclusive to consoles? Microsoftowner of Bethesda and so Arkane Studios ? No doubt, but the studios leave the mystery hanging. You can find the film Blade with Wesley Snipes in 4K UHD Blu-ray from €24.99 on Amazon, Cdiscount And there Fnac.

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Editor – Tester

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