Masks and controls – Salzburg tightened corona measures selectively

Due to the increasing number of infections, the state of Salzburg is tightening the corona measures selectively. In high incidence communities – these are currently Unken, Lofer and St. Martin bei Lofer in Saalachtal and Großarl in Pongau – open vaccination routes are to encourage as many unvaccinated residents as possible to immunize next week. In Grossarl, as in Vienna, the FFP2 mask requirement will continue to apply to all retailers. The corresponding regulation has been announced for Friday.

“At the same time, the police are tightening controls on compliance with the Covid measures in the area of ​​night dining and in the entire event area,” said a spokesman for the country on Thursday afternoon. This applies especially to the Pinzgau, where the infection rate is currently highest. There were a total of 195 new infections in the past 24 hours.

Compliance with quarantines is also to be monitored more closely. At 52 controls in the Zell am See district on Wednesday, five people were not at home. “A procedure is being initiated here. We are acting very restrictively. “

Land advises canceling events
The state advises event organizers to keep an eye on the incidence in their communities or districts and to cancel events in the event of a high infection rate to be on the safe side. “In Unken, the Kirtag was canceled next Sunday,” said the country’s spokesman. The health authorities also appeal to the population to make all contact tracing data available quickly and completely. “In addition to vaccination, this is the efficient method against the spread of the virus.”

According to the state, the corona cluster around a nightclub in Kaprun (Pinzgau) still includes 60 infected people. “We don’t have any exact figures here yet”, in Unken, 20 people are affected by a cluster. “Because of the two clusters, around 500 people are currently separated. We expect this number to grow a little more. Because all contact persons are isolated, they should then be largely contained, “said the spokesman.

Seven-day incidence above the Austrian average
According to AGES data, the seven-day incidence in the state of Salzburg as of Thursday morning was 72.8 – which is significantly more than the Austrian average of 28.3.