“Material assets digital” conference in the starting blocks

With regard to the tokenization of real assets, big banks should not allow themselves to be dependent on FinTechs, otherwise there is a risk of market displacement.

In order not to let this scenario become a reality, the DPH Thinking, Planning, and Acting GmbH on November 18, 2021 for the “Real assets digital 2021”Into the motor plant in Berlin. In various workshops and a panel discussion on the topic of “The role of banks in the blockchain world”, the organizers would like to invite you to an exchange. The discussion with the representatives of the Deka, Hauck & Aufhäuser, BNY Mellon, BNP Paribas, MM Warburg and TEN31 mainly revolves around the area of ​​modern real asset financing. The moderator is BTC-ECHO editor-in-chief Sven Wagenknecht.

“No financial institution can avoid the digitization of material assets in the future. Regardless of whether it is a large universal bank or a small specialist institute. Accordingly, I am pleased to speak to representatives of well-known banks about the future viability of the financial sector and to critically examine what needs to be done so that a traditional financial service provider is not disrupted by the blockchain wave, ”said Wagenknecht.

The pressure for innovation in real assets is increasing

Since European and German politics committed to promoting the “blockchain economy”, the competitive pressure in the real asset investment market has increased. According to the press release, it is “no longer just about sales, but also about digital packaging and digital management of structured investments, for example in real estate, wind farms, solar systems or ships”. This topic is to be discussed in addition to “digital investment advice for an ELTIF” as well as “electronic securities and [die] Tokenization ”.

The conference, which is taking place for the fifth time, is once again addressing the latest topics in the real estate sector. If you want to take part on November 18th from 9:15 am to 5:00 pm, you can »here«Secure a ticket. Physical participation is possible in compliance with the “2G rule”; alternatively, the program can also be followed via a live stream.

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