Mathilde Roellinger’s recipe

Ingredients for 4 to 6 people

  • 1 liter of whole fresh milk
  • 90 g round Camargue rice
  • 90g brown sugar
  • 1 beautiful vanilla pod (from Mayotte or Reunion).

The preparation

Split the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape out the grains with a small knife. In a saucepan, boil the milk with the vanilla beans and the split pod. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Mix sugar and rice in a bowl.

Read also: Mathilde Roellinger: “I know my luck, that of working all day in an atmosphere full of wonderful scents, spices from elsewhere, roasts”

Pour the milk over the mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon. Put everything in a soufflé mold or an earthenware dish (pod included). Bake at 150°C for 2 hours, until a crust forms.


Do not throw away the pod: wash it then dry it in a hot oven off, and reuse it in another recipe (cooking a fruit compote, for example). It can then be dried again, before mixing it to slip it into a jar of cane sugar.

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