Matilda De Angelis: Actress shows her "acne-eaten" face

Matilda De Angelis
Actress shows off her "acne-eaten" face

Matilda De Angelis shares her "little truth" with the public.

© Andrea Raffin /

Actress Matilda De Angelis suffers from acne. She could not change this – but face her fear and encourage others.

Actress Matilda De Angelis (25, "The Undoing") knows "there are things that cannot be controlled". The year 2020 has clearly demonstrated this. The native Italian dares to take a bold step. She posted a photo of herself on Instagram, showing her with red acne pustules on her chin and cheeks. "There are changes that we have to accept in our life, and with it the perception of ourselves and the world around us," she wrote, among other things.

"Paradoxical things happen in life, don't they?" The actress asked her 300,000+ subscribers. For her it is above all paradoxical to "be an actress and work with a face that is eaten away by acne". She stands in front of the camera and has to "present herself with all the emotional burden (…) together with all my fears and insecurities that are literally on my skin".

Face your own fears

She is aware that there are "much bigger problems" in life than that. Nevertheless, she wanted to share "this little truth" about herself and her skin with the public, "maybe to make me feel stronger, maybe to make me feel better accept". The actress warned: "Our fears can paralyze us or become a great force. It is up to us to choose the path."
