Maud Fontenoy cash on femininity: “That’s why I waxed my legs at sea”

Maud Fontenoy spoke about her femininity, in the columns of Gala from this Thursday, December 30. For her, it is a physiological need to feel like a woman.

At 44, sailor Maud Fontenoy spoke about her perception of femininity in the columns of Gala, on newsstands this Thursday, December 30. The one who multiplies the exploits on the water, told in particular how much for her, it was important to maintain a certain requirement, as a woman. When you take care of your body, you strengthen your willpower”, She first declared. “This allows you, even in the Roaring Forties [les Quarantièmes rugissants est le nom dont les marins ont affublé les latitudes situées entre les 40e et 50e parallèles dans l’hémisphère Sud, et où les vents sont particulièrement violents, NDLR], go further”.

Maud Fontenoy even imposes on herself a ritual, at sea or on land, to which she cares. That’s why I waxed my legs at sea. Maintain your femininity, wash yourself, keeping your identity is a rigor that ends up being of service to you. A rigor that “Dwe have the strength to hold on.

“The feat is (…) to make a hair mask at sea”

For the sailor, “The feat” does not hold so much in the crossing of an ocean with the oar … “But to make a hair mask at sea”. Likewise, his brother, Roch, who had packed his clothes, “Had taken care to vaporize them” the perfume of Maud Fontenoy. “That smell gave me a boost when things were wrong.”

The mother of four, author of Storms, I’ve seen others, who had to face the devastating cancer of his mother, has always expressed sincere humility through his words. It is moreover to her mother that the sailor owes her sense of courage. Engaged in politics, Maud Fontenoy carries high the feminine values ​​of the family. His mother said: “Maud, she avenges me”. An attitude that Maud Fontenoy had placed in context, during an interview with Gala, in 2016. “It was mostly linked to the status of women. Mom was still from a generation where women followed. She saw in my ability to resist, my ability to endure and my desire to act, the woman she perhaps would have liked to be. ”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Médias.

Photo credits: Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage

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