Meanings of dreams: dreaming of your ex

When our romantic relationship is over, our ex sometimes returns to our dreams. What should we think about, conclude from? That the rupture is poorly digested and that our feelings are still there? Why not … but not necessarily. Meaning and interpretation when dreaming of your ex.

We didn’t get our dream interpretation and meaning diploma, and that’s a shame.
When our ex is invited into our dreams, the questions are rife, and it hits the cafe: why do we dream of him and not of the neighbor? Are we still in love with our ex partner? Are we having a hard time accepting the breakup? What is the message of our subconscious mind and how do we interpret it? Several avenues are open to us, which it is always interesting to question.
In any case, one thing is certain: if dreaming of your ex can mean that this man or this woman always has a place in our life, that does not mean that it is necessarily the case. Sometimes we dream of our ex for many other reasons … Our explanations and our interpretations.

From the unconscious to sorting out thoughts … The brain works hard at night!

The meaning and interpretation of dreams remains a very mysterious science. We do know, however, that our dreams carry messages from our subconscious and our subconscious. We also know that dreams are a way to "clean up" our thoughts of the day as well as all the unnecessary information we have stored (it was raining and there was a 50% discount on shower gels at the supermarket).
As a result, our dreams are a mixture of serious files that stage our buried desires, our frustrations, our hopes … and everyday details that our brain chooses to pass over the mill. This is why our dreams are sometimes crazy and why anything goes on … Grand theater! But rest assured, your brain is neither mad nor mannered.

Dreaming of your ex, a question of details!

Since your brain takes stock at night by sorting out the thoughts of the day, it is therefore likely that you dream of your ex for "nothing". For example, you just have to hear his first name somewhere (even if we were not talking about your ex but someone else; there are a lot of Jean-Pauls in this world) or even fall on the street on one of his friends so that your brain associates all this information with your ex and then processes it at night. It also works if you see something in the day that reminds you of your ex, his life and his work: a car identical to his, a person who looks like him, a friend who wears the same sneakers …

You can dream of your ex because you have a soft spot

Dreaming about your ex is not always related to the ex in question, at least not directly. But in other situations, you may be dreaming of your ex, because your unconscious has more serious things to tell you … about yourself. At that point, in your dream, your ex does not play the role of your ex. If it is present, it is for what it represents: it carries a message sent by your unconscious or your subconscious. If, for example, you feel a little lonely or have a slackness, it is possible that your ex invades your mind at night, because you associate it with a happier period and a feeling of comfort.

So it can't be concluded that you miss your ex, but rather that you miss a part of yourself. You may need to find yourself, and this is the message your brain sends you when you find yourself facing your ex in your sleep. The opportunity to take time for yourself?

Do I dream of my ex because I still love him?

Of course, this is a hypothesis that we all think of, and which remains possible: feelings always present. Indeed, you and your ex have had a great romantic relationship and since the breakup, your thoughts have revolved around him and the couple you formed. At night, while your brain is stirring your memories, your sweet moments and your feelings, your ex naturally arises in your dreams. It may indeed mean that you are still in love. The good news is that it is generally aware. If it is not, the situation may have come to wonder? It all depends on how often you dream of your ex!

Another interpretation has its place here: maybe you no longer have love for your ex but you find it hard to move on and open a new page in your life. The reason: you didn't fix everything because you didn't understand everything. Why this break? Or why this ghosting? It is even possible to dream of a very old ex, for example in the context of a first love. Even when water goes under the bridge, you may be lacking in communication about this separation. If the ex is found in your dreams, it is therefore because you need to elucidate the why of this unsolved situation.

Dreaming about your ex when you start a new story is normal!

If you start a new romantic relationship, it is likely that you are dreaming of your ex. The fact of starting a new story immerses you in the previous one by comparison reflex (you compare your new couple to your old couple), but also because you have made the point: you know what you want and no longer want. If you dream of your ex, this is mirrored in this assessment.

More generally, it is normal to dream of your ex in the face of this new stage in your life since it echoes that of which you have just turned the page. By creating new memories with a new man or a new woman by your side, old memories are awakened … and your sleep pays the price! This does not mean that you want to find your ex and that your new romantic relationship does not suit you.

Similarly, if you learn from a friend or from social networks that your ex partner is starting a new love story for his part because he has just met someone, the simple fact of hearing the news can make you dream of him. Maybe this scoop also saddens you, or maybe you accuse it pretty well. Obviously, your emotions are such that, at night, your brain stages them in a dream … with your ex boyfriend, therefore!

The different scenarios of the ex in our dreams and their meaning

If you dream that your lover of the past calls you and comes back, is this a sign of life? We would like to believe in a premonitory dream. However, dreaming that his ex is coming back can mean, more simply, that we highly hope for his return. Our day dreaming spirit turns into reunion at night … The possible proof that you dream of forming a couple again with your ex companion and restarting a romantic relationship.

As for dreaming about sharing a sexual relationship with your ex-partner, what does that mean? On his site, the dream language specialist Tristan-Frédéric Moir writes that, overall, the dreams that stage sexual relations (with a person we know or not) are most often dreams of compensation: "In reality, we don't always have the opportunity to express our physical desire or to satisfy our sexual appetite. Sometimes we even censor it ".
So, we can imagine a lack of contact, linked to our ex or not. Because again, if your ex is present in your dreams, he does not necessarily represent himself, let's say that he does not play his own role but that he embodies many other messages and situations. It can symbolize other issues in your life: your loneliness, your hopes, your questions, a need to take refuge in childhood and find the girl you were (in the context of a first love for example) …

Obviously, trying to understand the meaning of his dreams is very interesting, helps us to know ourselves better and, if necessary, to turn the page better on this love story. Thanks WHO ? Thanks ex!

See as well :
Hunting, or how to make your ex crazy
What do my nightmares mean ?
and in video, "These things we all do after a breakup!" :

Video by Tanguy Vercelot