Medico-social employees once again denounce their working conditions

Exhausted after two years of epidemic, disappointed with the conclusions of the Ségur de la santé, the medico-social workers were mobilized on Tuesday 1er February to express their anger. In Paris, they were more than 5,000 according to the unions to start from the Place des Cinq-Martyrs-du-Lycée-Buffon. Insufficient wages, deplorable working conditions, lack of staff and lack of attractiveness of their profession. The demands of the demonstrators were plural.

At the head of the Parisian procession, Elena (who wished to remain anonymous), member of the Ile-de-France social work mobilization commission, gives voice, armed with her megaphone. If she is here today, it is above all to ” to make visible “ the struggle of his peers. “We realized that the struggles of the social sector were numerous but invisible, in particular because they are spread over many fields such as childhood, disability, support for precarious people, homeless people, etc. »she explains.

This is not the first time that the medico-social sector has mobilized. “On December 7, we were 60,000 to demonstrate in France and 8,000 in Paris. It is not negligible “, comments Elena. Today she says she wants “hit higher” by questioning the Prime Minister in front of Matignon, where the demonstration ended.

Read also (2021): Article reserved for our subscribers Social workers strike to share their dismay

“In December, we got a delegation to be received by the Ministry of Health. Of course, we suspected that we were not going to exchange with Mr. Véran directly. But my colleagues found themselves in front of a person who asked them “So what is social work?”. Our own department does not know what we are doing. This is proof that we are not a priority for this government.”castigates the activist, also a member of the CGT.

Emma Quirion is a specialist educator in a home in Hauts-de-Seine. She takes care of adults with mental and psychological disabilities. For the past two years, she has seen the numbers in the home where she works shrink: “We are five educators instead of fourteen. » A lack that she puts on the back of unattractive salaries. “We have staggered hours. We can start at 7 a.m., finish at 10 p.m., so our personal lives are impacted. It’s complicated, for example, to have a life as a mother. If in addition, behind, the wages do not follow, it is normal that nobody wants to do that “she analyzes.

“Our residents are sponges. If we are bad, so are they.

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