meetings with the EDA are also planned

Taliban representatives landed in Geneva on Sunday. There they want to talk to non-governmental organizations and representatives of the federal government.

In January, representatives of the Taliban met with humanitarian organizations in Oslo, Norway (photo).

Stian Lysberg Solum/AP

game Representatives of the Afghan Taliban regime arrived in Geneva on Sunday for talks lasting several days. Among other things, a meeting with a delegation from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is planned. A spokeswoman for the Swiss representation at the United Nations in Geneva confirmed this to the sda ​​news agency on Tuesday, as reported by several Swiss media. A spokesman for the FDFA also confirmed to SRF that the Taliban representatives were present.

The spokeswoman for the United Nations emphasized to the sda ​​that the presence of the Taliban does not mean that Switzerland legitimizes or recognizes the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. According to SRF, the meeting with the EDA delegation is planned for this week. Representatives from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Peace and Human Rights Department and the Asia and Pacific Policy Department are expected to take part.

Invitation came from NGO

According to media reports, the non-governmental organization (NGO) Geneva Call invited the Taliban group to Geneva. In a media release on its website, Geneva Call confirms that it is hosting a restricted-access conference in Geneva from February 7-11 aimed at improving the unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan. The release made no mention of the Taliban or other possible participants.

Geneva Call champions the application of international humanitarian law by non-state armed groups and has been active in Afghanistan for many years. The NGO has also been in dialogue with the Taliban for a long time. Geneva Call officials want to discuss several issues with the Taliban that are part of the pledges that the armed groups regularly sign with them. Among other things, the protection of children in conflicts, dealing with mine-infested areas, human rights, humanitarian access and the protection of humanitarian workers are to be discussed.

According to media reports, talks with representatives of other European countries are also planned.

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