Megatron walks on the grounds of Robosen’s Optimus Prime robot

Robosen Megatron G1



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It’s been a few months now since the Chinese company Robosen presented its Optimus Prime robot to the amazed world. Equipped with 27 servomotors and articulated from head to toe, the miniaturized autobot had all the makings of a grown-up. Thus he could walk, strike poses, dance, speak and, an essential exercise for transforming anything self-respecting, go from his humanoid form to his automobile form and vice versa. We must believe that this beautiful toy (launched for €999 at the time, all the same) met with the expected success since Robosen has lifted the veil on another transformable robot. And who better than Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons (the sworn enemies of the Autobots led by Optimus Prime) to take over? Less road and more warrior, Megatron does not transform into a truck, but into an assault tank.

robosen Megatron

Megatron in both forms.

© Robosen

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If that wasn’t enough to gain the upper hand over his rival, Megatron seems to have a small head start over Optimus Prime from a purely mechanical point of view, since he has 36 servomotors which will allow him to move and do the beautiful. In addition, to further impress the gallery, in addition to its metal-colored coating, the manufacturer has provided a set of 112 LEDs on the different parts of the robot.

Robosen Megatron

This explosion makes you want a transparent version.

© Robosen

Just like Optimus Prime before him, Megatron has many animations already programmed by Robosen engineers. But wealthy owners of this expensive toy will be able to create their own movements using a smartphone application similar to that of the Autobot available on smartphones and PCs. More interestingly, the manufacturer also promises a system based on the manipulation of the robot: we will be able to turn the limbs on themselves, fold (or unfold) the joints of Megatron, who will retain the movements printed and then reproduce them alone.

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Obviously, all these possibilities will be accessible both in robot mode and in tank mode. And even if the manufacturer did not specify it, it would still be very surprising if the lucky owner could not pilot Megatron in his tank form or in his humanoid form, since this option existed on the Optimus Prime robot. Small refinement, the tracks of the assault tank operate independently of each other, like on a real war machine. This provides more mobility to the tank, which can take extremely tight turns or spin around.

Very wealthy enthusiasts who already own Optimus Prime will be delighted to learn that the two can work together. Combat choreographies are automatically included in the memories of the two antagonists.

Robosen Megatron

A summit meeting.

© Robosen

Megatron has many other features, such as sensitive plates on his back and chest. By touching these, we will trigger the ire of the leader of the decepticons who will then send out some well-felt repartees, recorded by Franz Welker himselfthe official voice actor of the character.

As was to be expected, this waste of resources has a cost. If we can still afford the Megatron robot for €999, in a few days it will happily go above the €1000 mark since it will then be priced at €1299. Note that the box contains the robot, a sword and an articulated flail.

Robosen Megatron

Megatron and his own toys.

© Robosen

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