Meghan and Harry, this outstretched hand for the intimate ceremony in Windsor


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After the funeral ceremony at Westminster Abbey, a second, more intimate tribute took place in Windsor. We could observe an outstretched hand from the royal family towards Meghan and Harry.

The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II began on Monday September 19, 2022 with the removal of the Queen’s coffin from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey. More than 2000 guests were present including many Heads of State to pay a last tribute to the Sovereign. The funeral procession then traveled to Windsor where a more intimate ceremony began in St. George’s Chapel. The royal family was then present alongside the 15 prime ministers of the kingdoms who have served with the Queen of England.

We could then observe several symbolic scenes such as the moment when the Queen’s orb, scepter and crown were removed from the coffin and when the Lord Chamberlain broke the Queen’s cane on her coffin to show the end of his reign. Prince William and Kate Middleton were obviously present, as were Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. We have also been able to observe an outstretched hand towards the latter since‘they sat in the same row as the Princess of Wales when they are usually behind her.

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Kate Middleton close to Meghan Markle at funeral

While the fact that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are sitting next to Kate Middleton is a real gesture that shows the Cambrige and Sussex couples support each other in pain, we have seen at other times that they have put their grudges aside. Indeed, Kate Middleton who arrived at Westminster Abbey with her 7-year-old daughter Charlotte and her 9-year-old son, Prince George and was immediately joined by Meghan Markle who arrived alone.

We could see the two women staying together for a while before the ceremony began and they had, moreover, opted for a similar hairstyle: a bun with a large hat. It was not the first time that they seemed close since several days earlier, they had met with Harry and William in front of Windsor Castle to greet the faithful all together.

Lahela Bouaziz


Lahéla doesn’t like jeans or t-shirts, she comes to the newsroom in a dress and heels. This writing where she snoops on the web and social networks …

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