Meghan and Harry without embarrassment? This very daring request made to their Californian neighbors

Since leaving the British Royal Family, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have moved to California. However, the couple seems to crystallize the tensions, in particular due to a request made to their neighbors.

Youngest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, whose 25th death anniversary was celebrated on August 31, 2022, Prince Harry grew up in the British royal family near Buckingham Palace. Although he was not destined to rule England like his older brother William, Prince Harry was an important member of Queen Elizabeth II’s family. If he stood out during his youth because of various escapades, the grandson of the Queen of England then returned to the right path when he met actress Meghan Markle. Mainly known to the general public for her role in the series Suits, Meghan Markle decided to put her acting career aside to focus on her relationship with Prince Harry.

Harry and Meghan first lived in Canada before settling in California

The two lovebirds were married in a splendid ceremony organized in 2018. Shortly after their nuptials, the two lovers started a family by giving birth to a little boy named Archie. However, the fairy tale quickly turned into a nightmare. Tired of all the obligations of being a member of the British royal family, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have decided to leave Buckingham Palace and the UK. After living for a few months with their son Archie in Canada, the couple decided to move to California to start their new life away from England. Of course, this decision was the source of many tensions between the Sussexes and the rest of the British royal family.

Harry and Meghan recently returned to England for Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee

Moreover, the long interview that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gave to the famous American host Oprah Winfrey did not help. As a reminder, the actress told the presenter that she had been the victim of racism from some members of the British royal family since she has been dating Prince Harry. However, relations between the couple and the Windsors seem to have calmed down somewhat. In effect, the latter were allowed to return to England a few months ago, in order to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, who celebrated her 70 years as the head of the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, they were not allowed to greet the crowd on the balcony of Buckingham Palace like other members of the British royal family.

Meghan and Harry are working on several audiovisual projects

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle nevertheless took advantage of this trip to England to present their granddaughter Lilibet to Queen Elizabeth II. Now back in their Californian home, the two lovebirds will be able to start working on their many projects. For memory, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have launched their own audiovisual production company, thanks to which they will create different content for various streaming platforms such as Netflix and Spotify for example. In parallel, they can continue to indulge in their usual hobbies such as polo, or even tennis.

Harry and Meghan wanted to use their neighbors’ tennis courts

Not having a tennis court in their Californian home, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle knocked on neighbors in order to know if they could possibly use the tennis courts which they have within their residences. If they first welcomed the Duke and Duchesses of Sussex with open arms, they quickly became disillusioned after learning of a very daring request from Archie and Lilibet’s parents. According to information revealed by the royal historian Hugo Vickers in the columns of the British magazine Express, the couple would have asked their neighbors to leave their homes when they came to use the tennis courts. Not surprisingly, the latter did not accept the demands of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on this subject.

Harry and Meghan bought their California home for over 13 million euros

However, this story is not new since the royal historian Hugo Vickers specifies that this episode would have taken place in the old house in which the Sussexes lived. They then bought their Montecito property for a whopping £11.4 million, or around 13.26 million euros. In fact, the new residence of Archie and Lilibet’s parents is beautiful and well endowed with a tennis court, unlike the old one. For the record, several details concerning the Californian house of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were revealed by the actress during an interview with The Cut Magazine. For example, we now know that the couple’s office is decorated with “two plush club chairs placed side by side behind a single desk, facing the room like thrones“.

Harry and Meghan were greeted by Tyler Perry when they arrived in California

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex also own a grand piano given to them by actor-director Tyler Perry. As a reminder, it was the latter who welcomed the couple and their son Archie when they moved from Canada to the United States. “The Montecito House is the kind of big house that makes you jump remembering that unimaginable wealth is actually someone’s everyday reality“, indicated the journalist Allison P Davis in her article. For the anecdote, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry initially refused to visit the house where they live with their children today. “We looked around and this house was constantly highlighted“, remembered the actress, before adding: “We didn’t have a job, we weren’t going to visit that one. It’s like when you’re young and you go window shopping. I don’t want to go look at things I can’t afford to buy. It doesn’t do any good“.

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