Meghan Markle and Harry unmanageable, this “nightmare” they made Netflix live

After a documentary series that made the buzz, Meghan and Harry would however be about to be dropped by Netflix, which would be fed up with the extravagances of the couple.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex never stop talking about them. We know their tense relations with the royal family, in particular because of the many revelations made by the couple. But that is not the only downside. Recently, we learned that Spotify had ended its collaboration with Meghan and Harry. Mutual consent according to the platform, denied by one of its leaders, accusing the couple of being scammers. » Either way, the couple had to give up more than $20 million. And that would only be the start…

In effect, the Sussexes’ relationship with Netflix is ​​not at its best. In December 2022 the documentary series Meghan & Harry was released on the famous streaming platform. A collaboration which would not be easy according to Dan Wootton, columnist at DailyMail. According to one of his sources, even if the program worked well, there is another part in the contract of the couple, which was more complicated to set up: “The contract with Harry and Meghan did not keep its promises, it was a nightmare manage from start to finish. »

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Netflix ready to leave the Sussexes?

According to Dan Wootton there is no doubt: Netflix would be on the verge of following Spotify and breaking the commitments it has with the couple: “I am confident that Netflix is ​​now ready to follow Spotify and terminate its $100 million contract with the Sussexes when it expires in 2025.” Particularly implicated are the lack of work and the crazy ideas of the couple. For example, they would have had the idea of ​​interviewing Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg or Vladimir Poutine on their childhood traumas.

So would these excessive wishes of the couple have been right for his contract with the American leader in streaming? Nothing is less certain, without official confirmation. However, what seems to be true is that the Sussexes are less interested, or that major platforms no longer wish to be associated with their name.

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