Meta fined 23.8 million euros from Russia

The American company Meta – parent company of Facebook – was condemned this Friday, December 24 by the Russian justice for having published contents “banned” by the Kremlin.

If the Moscow court did not indicate with exactitude the contents which justified the sanction, the instance on the other hand justified facts of “recidivism” on behalf of the American company. In addition, recent decisions by Russian courts illustrate increasingly severe case law against digital giants. Two factors that combine to justify this record fine of 1.9 billion rubles (23.8 million euros at the current rate)

Same policy for Facebook

A few hours earlier, Facebook had been sentenced for the same facts to a fine of 87 million euros. The platform with two billion users announced through a press release “wait to study court documents” before any legal response, including a possible appeal of the decision.

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