Michael Michalsky: This is the greatest fashion sin of 2020 for the designer

In March the fashion world was still different, then Corona came. Michael Michalsky speaks in an interview about fashion trends and a fashion sin 2020.

The corona crisis is forcing us to rethink. Many people work in the home office, teachers and parents have to cope with homeschooling and the fashion world is increasingly taking place digitally. A fashion week without parties, shows, runways and flashing lights? A year ago that was unthinkable. In 2020, the fashion houses and designers have proven that digital fashion weeks work in times of Corona. Michael Michalsky (53) sees an opportunity in remote mode fashion – for designers, the environment and "slow fashion".

The star designer is very practical and demands more openness from his colleagues in an interview with the news agency spot on news. "The designers have to learn to deal with the possibilities of technology. Then they come up with completely new forms of product presentation," explains Michalsky.

This is how Michalsky sees the future of Fashion Weeks

He himself used avatars in his digital shows, such approaches are the "trend-setting". On the other hand, fashion events, for which hundreds of people from all over the world travel, are on the way out, believes the 53-year-old: "That is ecological nonsense, but also no longer creative or contemporary." His prognosis: some fashion weeks will disappear, "there are simply too many". And the ones that are left? They may only take place online or in VR space. "Then also with personal invitations and the guests come with their avatars," suspects Michalsky. He hopes for a rethink and "more substantial trends" towards more "slow fashion".

Michalsky is certain that there will be no fashion trends for 2021, because "people are busy with other topics, fashion trends are currently not that important". The designer finds the "incredible rise of the Crocs" all the worse. The biggest fashion sin 2020 and an impossible product, judges the former "Germany's next top model" jury.
