Midjourney: if you have already created a minimum of 100 images, you can now generate visuals via the publisher’s website

Mérouan Goumiri

May 8, 2024 at 2:02 p.m.


No longer need to have generated 1000 images to have the right to create visuals from the Midjourney site © Midjourney for Clubic.com

No longer need to have generated 1000 images to have the right to create visuals from the Midjourney site © Midjourney for Clubic.com

No more having to go through Discord servers: the AI ​​image generator Midjourney is now taking a new step by opening its web interface to users who have created a minimum of 100 images.

Announced in late 2023, the Midjourney website has been constantly evolving ever since. Initially accessible to a handful of testers, it is now open to users who have generated fewer than 1000 images. This gradual opening suggests that the general deployment of the site is fast approaching, and that a minimum of creations may soon no longer be required from Midjourney to be able to take full advantage of its countless artificial intelligence-based capabilities.

Midjourney: a web interface that opens gradually

The opening of the Midjourney website was done gradually. At the start of 2024, access was initially reserved for the most active users, more precisely those who had generated more than 1000 images on the platform. In recent days, however, the threshold has been lowered to 100 images, allowing a greater number of creators to benefit from this new interface.

The Midjourney website offers almost the same functionalities as the Discord interface, although with some notable additions, as reported to us by our colleagues on the site BDM :

  • Viewing the public image gallery
  • Access to personal archives
  • Scoring images to improve the model
  • “News” section to keep up to date with new developments
  • Advanced configuration of image generation (format, aesthetics, model, etc.)
  • Generating images from an existing URL or image
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March 27, 2024 at 8:50 p.m.

Service comparisons

Note also that it is now no longer necessary to add the command /conceived at the start of each prompt. Now you just need to describe the image you want to generate in the field at the very top of the site. Finally, unlike Discord, the Midjourney site retains your preferences from one image to another, making interactions with the tool more practical and ergonomic.

Towards public lounges and a mobile application?

Midjourney clearly does not intend to stop there. The company plans to create public rooms accessible on the website where users can discover the creations of others and exchange ideas with each other. Like Discord, text and voice chats will also be available in these spaces.

Concerning the possibility of seeing a mobile application land, rest assured: this would indeed still be considered. On the other hand, this is not the priority of Midjourney, which prefers, for the moment at least, to concentrate on the development of its web interface and the functionalities it contains.




  • Commercial rights included in all paid plans
  • Relevance in understanding prompts
  • Accessible prices

Midjourney stands out as a pioneer in the field of illustration generation using artificial intelligence. Accessible to everyone, regardless of the level of artistic sensitivity, the user simply has to enter a text prompt describing the desired image. Midjourney then uses its artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze this textual input and generate an image that aligns with the descriptions provided. This mechanism for analyzing and generating art provides a rich user experience, opening the doors of creativity to a wide range of users.

Midjourney stands out as a pioneer in the field of illustration generation using artificial intelligence. Accessible to everyone, regardless of the level of artistic sensitivity, the user simply has to enter a text prompt describing the desired image. Midjourney then uses its artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze this textual input and generate an image that aligns with the descriptions provided. This mechanism for analyzing and generating art provides a rich user experience, opening the doors of creativity to a wide range of users.

Source : BDM

Mérouan Goumiri

Mérouan Goumiri

A fan of series, cinema and new technologies, it was my penchant for video games that got the better of me. Getting lost between Libertalia, the seas of Sea of ​​Thieves and Kaer Morhen, such is...

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A fan of series, cinema and new technologies, it was my penchant for video games that got the better of me. Getting lost between Libertalia, the seas of Sea of ​​Thieves and Kaer Morhen, such is the life I decided to lead between writing two articles.

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