Ministers to decide on lifting restrictions in England

LONDON (Reuters) – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will meet members of his cabinet on Wednesday to discuss “Plan B” measures to tackle the spread of COVID-19 in England, in a bid to divert public attention new revelations concerning parties at 10 Downing Street which have created a lively controversy.

The “Plan B” measures, put in place in December, advocate working from home when possible, wearing masks in public places and using COVID-19 passes to enter certain public places.

Boris Johnson will speak outside Parliament on Wednesday as he faces criticism for attending a rally in the garden of his office and Downing Street residence in May 2020 amid strict rules to stem the COVID-19 epidemic almost prohibited all socializing.

He presented his apologies last week without managing to extinguish the calls for his resignation, including in his own camp.

British Health Minister Sajid Javid said on Tuesday he was optimistic that some restrictions would be lifted next week.

“Decisions on next steps remain finely balanced,” a government spokesman said. “The Omicron variant continues to pose a significant threat and the pandemic is not over. Infections remain high but the latest data is encouraging with cases beginning to decline.”

The “Plan B” measures are currently in place until at least January 26. If Boris Johnson wanted to extend them, a new vote in Parliament would be needed.

The lifting of restrictions should please some members of his party who want to return to a life closer to normal.

(French version Camille Raynaud)

by Andrew MacAskill

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