Miracle weapon against osteoarthritis? How Diet Can Help

Is there a magic bullet against osteoarthritis? The truth is: Unfortunately, the disease cannot yet be cured. But exercise and the right diet can have a positive effect on the course of the disease. What diet can help with osteoarthritis.

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Brief overview: Nutrition in osteoarthritis

What diet for osteoarthritis? A diet rich in vitamins and low in fat with plenty of fruit and vegetables is recommended. Leek vegetables in particular are often referred to as a miracle weapon against arthrosis. In general, those affected should make sure to avoid being overweight or lose weight.

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Diet as a silver bullet against osteoarthritis?

Many sufferers wonder whether there is a magic bullet against osteoarthritis. The disease cannot be cured, but there are ways to prevent premature joint wear and to influence its course in a favorable way. In addition to sufficient exercise and sport, the right diet in osteoarthritis is considered an important component in the therapy of the joint disease.

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease worldwide. This is a progressive degradation of articular cartilage. It is important to have the disease treated by a doctor at an early stage. In later stages, inflammatory reactions can occur in the joints. Experts therefore recommend an anti-inflammatory diet.

Being overweight makes osteoarthritis worse

Avoiding obesity is crucial to preventing osteoarthritis or slowing its progression. An increased body mass puts a high strain on the joints. As a result, signs of wear and tear occur more quickly.

In an Australian study, researchers found that arthrosis in the knee (gonarthrosis) usually develops at an older age in people of normal weight. On the other hand, a decline in cartilage was found in overweight people at a young age.

Losing weight not only protects the joints, it can also be proven to alleviate arthrosis-related joint pain, as other studies have shown.

Diet for osteoarthritis: suitable foods as a silver bullet?

In general, some experts recommend a low-fat, anti-inflammatory and vitamin-rich diet, as it can protect the joints in the long term and contribute to healthy cartilage. But can nutrition be considered a silver bullet against osteoarthritis?

In an English study, researchers examined the extent to which diet can influence osteoarthritis of the hip (coxarthrosis). A predominantly vegetarian diet proved to protect the cartilage. People between the ages of 44 and 70 who ate a lot of vegetables and fruit were less likely to have osteoarthritis of the hip. Leek vegetables in particular are often cited as a kind of miracle weapon against arthrosis: In the study, patients who ate plenty of onions, leeks and garlic were particularly well protected against joint wear and tear.

Foods that may contribute to joint and cartilage health include:

  • calcium-rich foods: These include vegetables such as broccoli or spinach.
  • low fat dairy products: Examples of low-fat yoghurt and quark are suitable.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: They are found in many vegetable oils (e.g. olive or linseed oil) and also in nuts and fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring).
  • antioxidant foods: Antioxidants such as vitamin C or vitamin E fight free radicals and can prevent cell damage that can promote joint wear and tear. They are found in many types of fruit and vegetables, such as blueberries, cranberries and red cabbage.
  • Spices: A mixture of cumin, nutmeg and coriander may have an analgesic effect on osteoarthritis. The spices are said to stimulate blood circulation in the synovial membrane and thus alleviate the symptoms.

Some experts recommend the Mediterranean diet or Mediterranean cuisine as a suitable form of nutrition for osteoarthritis. This is a predominantly plant-based diet with little animal fat and protein.

Diet for osteoarthritis: What sufferers should avoid

Research shows that a high-sugar diet high in saturated fat can have a negative impact on joint cartilage and the underlying bone. If you want to prevent arthrosis or have a positive influence on its course, you should limit the consumption of the following foods:

  • red meat and cured meats
  • white flour products
  • candy and chips
  • Fast food and ready meals
  • High-fat dairy products such as cheese or butter
  • alcohol
  • eggs

Those affected receive a nutrition plan tailored to their needs from a professional nutritionist.

Dietary supplements as a miracle weapon against osteoarthritis?

Dietary supplements are mostly advertised in some media as a silver bullet against arthrosis and can be bought over the counter in drugstores, for example. The preparations usually contain the active ingredients glucosamine, chondroitin or hyaluronic acid.

However, the effectiveness of the dietary supplements is controversial. While some studies have found that supplements containing glucosamine or chondroitin have some effectiveness in relieving osteoarthritis symptoms, other studies have concluded that the pills work similarly or worse than placebos.

In addition, the articulation means can bring about interactions. Anyone wishing to try dietary supplements should consult a doctor before taking them.

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