Miss France: Iris Mittenaere attacks the rules, her cash comments on the selection criteria

On December 11, Diane Leyre was elected Miss France 2022 at the end of a new election very scrutinized and especially very commented. Indeed, as every year, the beauty contest was the subject of controversy due to its regulations deemed too restrictive. In October, on the sidelines of the event, the association Dare feminism even brought a lawsuit against the company Miss France with the Prud’hommes for “sexism” and “non respect of labor rights”.

A legal action for which the new director Alexia Laroche-Joubert had protested, who had justified the required criteria. “When we say: no child, there is a reason. The miss who will be elected will travel all over France to meet the French, that requires significant availability“, she defended in particular to the Parisian. Alexia Laroche-Joubert explained, however, that she was open to starting discussions around the size of the Misses, or even the possibility of having a tattoo. But for Iris Mittenaere, it would be necessary to go further still.

During an interview for Leisure TV, the one who was elected Miss France then Miss Universe in 2016 sided with those who would like to see the competition more tolerant. “For me, it should be like Miss Universe, abolish all the rules. It would be even better. Let people choose the Miss they want and to let them choose it would be necessary not to have a filter at the start of the selections“, she estimated.

While waiting to see it evolve, Iris Mittenaere remains a great supporter of the event. She also watched the last ceremony with attention and had the intuition that Diane Leyre would win the crown: “It was my favorite from the start. (…) When I saw her arrive on the stage I said to Diego (his companion, editor’s note) and to the people around me: ‘she is the one who will win, for sure’. I was not wrong.

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