Money Mindset: 5 tips for financial independence

Modern “Money Mindset”
How to throw outdated money beliefs overboard

© Stefanie Link

Why is it so easy for some to achieve financial prosperity, while for others the opposite is true? The answer could lie in the “money mindset”. More about that here.

The attitude towards money plays a crucial role in life and significantly influences one’s own financial decisions and thus also one’s financial stability. One reader shared with us her feeling that some people seem to attract financial wealth effortlessly, while others constantly struggle with their finances. But is there really something to it? Today we clear up negative beliefs and give Tips for a positive “Money Mindset”. You can also find out how to holistically improve your financial habits in our BRIGITTE online course Masterclass Finance.

Most Beliefs are deeply rooted in us and have their origin in our childhood. So it’s a completely natural development for children to get used to their parents’ saving and spending habits. But don’t worry: it’s never too late to actively influence your own beliefs.

1. Belief: “The rich are bad”

Perhaps we were taught in the past that money was the root of all evil. However, it is important to understand that money is inherently neutral. It allows us to pursue our goals, live our dreams and make positive changes in our lives and the world around us. We want to encourage you to use money as a tool for your personal and financial development independence consider. For example, what do you think of the positive beliefs “Money gives me freedom” or “With money I can design my life freely”?

© Brigitte

Click here for the master class

2. Belief: “I can’t earn more”

Many women often underestimate their own worth and negotiate salary increases less often than their male colleagues do. Realize that you should earn at least what your work is worth – and that is often more than your own self-confidence would have you believe. We would therefore like to encourage you to speak confidently about your achievements and to strive for your desired salary and financial recognition. Women with a positive “money mindset” go into the next negotiation convinced that “I deserve to make a lot of money.”

3. Belief: “Investing is only for men”

The financial market has long been dominated by men, which can make women feel insecure when it comes to investing in the stock market. It’s time to break this belief. Because in times of inflation, rising everyday costs and frightening prospects for the statutory pension, every woman should actively deal with her own finances. How you can save more, negotiate your salary with confidence, develop your own financial strategy and even trade in securities on the stock market How For example, if you trade stocks or ETFs, you can learn from our colleagues at the Brigitte Academy. So: Why leave the money issue to men? We appeal to you to actively shape your future and leave nothing to chance. True to the belief “I take my finances into my own hands”.

4. Belief: “I’m not good with numbers”

Financial management is complicated and only suitable for people with strong mathematical skills – this is another misconception that needs to be overcome. Financial planning can be learned in simple, small steps, and there are many resources that can help women along the way. The ability to own Finance Managing is crucial for financial independence and healthy self-confidence. Have Therefore, don’t be afraid of dealing with numbers, because “I can acquire any knowledge if I want.”

5. Belief: “I always have to be there for others”

Many women like to take care of their family and friends. This is a very positive quality. But some of us tend to care too much about the needs of others and put our own financial goals aside. It’s not selfish to prioritize yourself financially. By advocating for their own financial goals, women create a solid foundation not only for themselves, but also for their family and community. “I’m saving for my own goals and dreams” – how does that sound to you?


A positive money mindset is the key to financial freedom and independence for women. Only if you are convinced that your work is worth a lot of money will you earn your dream salary. And only if you get rid of the unfounded fear of numbers can you successfully take your finances into your own hands and invest more courageously. It’s time to take control of your own financial future and empower yourself. And if you would like support and an exchange with like-minded women, then taking part in the Brigitte Academy Masterclass Finance exactly the right thing for you.

⏰ We will meet online on Friday, December 15th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Masterclass to speak. In this session, we’ll specifically look at how you can take small steps to achieve big financial goals. Come along and register now, completely free of charge and without obligation:

Register here for free

So what are you waiting for? You now have the positive “money mindset” – now it’s time to implement it.


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