Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: A free update and 4 new monsters are coming tomorrow!

Monster Hunter Rise’s Sunbreak expansion already features some pretty robust content, and some big challenges to complete, like the master rank version of the Valstrax or the Rajang Orage, who are happy to butcher hunters who are overconfident in their abilities, and their meta DPS build. Like Iceborne before it, Sunbreak is entitled to a series of free updates that offer increasingly difficult clashes, and the rewards that go with it.

Capcom has just detailed the content of the first update, stamped 1.11, which arrives tomorrow, the August 10, 2022and there is more content than expected.

Four returning monsters

In addition to the Vulcan Bazelgeuse from Iceborne, which is making its return, and from Nargacuga Selenite, which combines invisibility, agility and poison, two other iconic monsters of the license arrive with the patch. We talk about the Golden Rathiansand Silver Rathalos. This formidable couple has armored scales, great agility, and super-powerful fireballs that explode over a very large area. The Golden Rathian’s spinning tail swipe is a real nightmare to dodge initially. Also present in Iceborne, these two monsters are entitled to new moves, so be prepared to suffer. Their armor sets are nevertheless very nice and popular.

New Region: Forbidden Tower

This wildly popular area of ​​old titles is back, but the developers still haven’t clarified in what form. The game images make it look like it will be a simple arena with the tower in the background, much like the base game’s hellish springs. But we can’t help but hope for a real area worthy of the name. Answer tomorrow, with the update.

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Anomaly investigations

After defeating the Gaismagorm at the end of the story, hunters unlock monsters afflicted by the anomaly. They have much more life than normal, and they cannot be captured. However, these quests stopped at 4 star rank only. The update adds 5-star monsters, along with random investigations to unlock them. The principle is a bit the same as for Monster Hunter World contracts, with quests with random conditions and parameters, such as region, number of players, rewards, etc. This makes it possible to obtain beautiful objects while varying the hunting parties.

monster hunter rise

Investigations and new anomaly monsters allow you to obtain special materials to further improve your weapons and armor. For weapons, you can choose between different bonuses, like edge, damage and others. But for armor, it’s random, it can be defense, resistance, or even talent points. This will give a good excuse to hunters who are looking for good reasons to farm: preparing equipment more powerful than ever, with optimized statistics. The Anomaly Lab is also introduced, with special rewards for upgrading equipment.

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Event Quests

You will have to wait until August 18 for the first event quests. They unlock special cosmetic armor and other items, but the difficulty really seems absurd. This includes for example 2 Storm Rajang at the same time in the arena, or the couple Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos in the Forgotten Tower area. Suffice to say that hunters will die more often than monsters.

monster hunter rise

As always, a plethora of paid cosmetic DLCs are introduced, including stickers, special armor, hairstyles or voice packs. This makes it possible to make updates profitable without inconveniencing the players.

Unexpected good news is the addition of achievements on Steam, since they were missing from the call for the extension.

Finally, the new update schedule was unveiled. Free Update 2 is scheduled for late September, with new monsters, subspecies, and even more fearsome Anomaly monsters.

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