Mood heated up: – Police officers injured in corona demonstrations

Not only was there a demonstration against the Corona measures in front of the country house in St. Pölten on Wednesday, around 250 people also took to the streets in Ternitz. Unlike in the state capital, the demo here was anything but peaceful. The inglorious result: dozens of reports, three injured police officers!

One thing is clear, the mood at the corona demos is noticeably more aggressive. A 30-year-old man in Neunkirchen fought against his arrest in such a way that three executive officers were injured. The man was arrested. Another participant (65) was reported for resisting state power. 8 Corona demos announced In Ternitz, however, a police unit was surrounded by demonstrators, according to the executive branch. A media representative was also attacked – but he was unharmed. It is generally criticized that the participants largely ignored the mask requirement. There were also protests in Perchtoldsdorf and Waidhofen an der Ybbs. At the demonstration in St. Pölten there were a total of three arrests and 34 reports. 13 demonstrations were registered for Friday, eight of them clearly related to Corona.
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