More beautiful life on TF1: Marie Réache (Babeth) makes very big revelations about the rest of the series

While “Plus belle la vie” is preparing its return to TF1 for the beginning of January 2024, Marie Réache (Babeth) is already communicating information on the continuation of the cult soap opera…

As previously announced, the cult soap opera of France 3 Plus belle la vie will be reborn from its ashes on TF1! Moreover, first official information about this sequel has already leaked… To the delight of fans, it is now up to Marie Réache (who played Babeth Nebout in the first version of the fiction) to make some revelations tempting!

The revelations of Marie Réache (Babeth)

In the Journal de Gien of August 24, 2023, the actress declared: “I will keep the role of Babeth Nebout but now I will work in a medical center in town with the doctor Gabriel Riva and my daughter Léa. I will always be with my husband Patrick who works in the police.

Marie Réache adds: “The production resumes between 15 and 20 recurring actors. The most popular, namely, Mirta, Thomas, Blanche, the whole Nebout family. There will also be Luna, Boher, Ariane, and others expected to join the shoot later in the year.

But that’s not all ! The actress also talks about the emblematic sets of Plus belle la vie which will not come back in the plots: “Shortly before the announcement of the resumption of the series, the sets were destroyed, in particular the mythical Place du Mistral. It would therefore seem that a greater part of the filming now takes place outdoors in a square in Marseille. It’s a good thing, I think, filming outdoors makes you feel good.

New actors, outdoor sets, duration of episodes…

Marie Réache continues: “We will continue to shoot in the old studios but there will not be all the apartments. For example, that of the Nebout family was destroyed. And there will only be four film crews as before, but only two, one indoors and one outdoors. In addition, the episodes will be shorter, around 20 minutes instead of 25 (…) Normally, we should shoot one episode a day. The days will be a little shorter for us so that’s good.”

Finally, Jérôme Bertin’s playmate in Plus belle la vie shares one of her wishes: “There will be new characters with actors from TF1 who will join the series. I hope that the whole will keep the family spirit that existed and that I liked.“We hope so too! Start of filming scheduled for October 15 for a launch in early January 2024 on the front page… Will you be there?

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