More safety for the Queen: will a no-fly zone be set up over Windsor Castle?

More security for the queen
Will a no-fly zone be established over Windsor Castle?

Windsor Castle is to be made safer for the Queen.

© imago images / ZUMA Press / Joe Giddens

There could soon be a no-fly zone over Windsor Castle. It is supposed to increase the security of the Queen.

The security at Windsor Castle could be better: On Christmas Day an intruder was caught on the grounds of the residence of Queen Elizabeth II (95). His goal was to kill the monarch, as a video clip suggests. It is currently being examined how the security of the castle and its residents can be increased. For example, a no-fly zone is to be set up over the site, like the Metropolitan Police according to consistent UK media reports notifies.

Accordingly, the police have made a corresponding application. The no-fly zone is said to extend about 760 meters above and 2.8 kilometers around Windsor Castle. According to the Metropolitan Police, this would “further increase security in this emblematic place and ensure the safety of the people living nearby”. The authority further emphasizes that the order was requested as part of the ongoing review of security precautions and not on the basis of a specific threat or intelligence.

The police are now calling on the local population to give their opinion on the no-fly zone application.

What happened at christmas

On December 25th, an intruder climbed over the castle wall with a rope ladder. The man armed with a crossbow came within 500 meters of the Queen’s private apartments, but did not enter any building. He received psychiatric treatment after his arrest.

Just under half an hour before the 19-year-old was caught at Windsor Castle, a video clip was uploaded to Snapchat and then published by the “Sun”. It shows a masked person with a crossbow, who explains in a voice distorted by the computer: “I am sorry for what I have done and what I will do. I will try to murder Elizabeth, Queen of the royal family.” Queen Elizabeth II celebrated Christmas with her family on site.


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