more than 2 million people have received the premium

To fight against the loss of purchasing power of the French, the government will pay a bonus of 100euros 38million French. Payments started in early December and will continue until February.

Did you receive the inflation compensation? The first payments were expected from Monday, December 13. And according to BFMTV 2.6million people have been credited to date on 38million beneficiaries of this aid decided at the end of October by the government to counter the rise in energy and fuel prices in particular. Scholarship students, employees of private employers, farmers and self-employed workers are part of this first wave of payments.

Inflation premium: what you need to know to touch the 100 euros

In detail and as provided in the calendar, 638,000 scholarship students received it, as well as 378,000 employees of private employers, 223,000 farmers and 1.4million self-employed workers (including 660,000 artisans, traders and liberal professions and 740,000 micro-entrepreneurs ).

How is the premium calculated?

Household income will not be taken into account. Thus, if in a household 1 earns 2400 euros net per month and 2 earns 1500 net per month, only 2 will receive the premium. Even if the addition of the two net incomes is less than 4000 euros.

This amount of 2000 euros is slightly higher than the median French salary which is 1940 euros for employees in the private sector. In addition, if you earn 2000 euros net per month, you are better remunerated than 56% of employees, according to INSEE.

This premium is non-taxable and not subject to the possession of a car. 14million private employees should also receive it with the pay for the month of December.

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The inflation allowance is intended for all people whose remuneration was less than 2000 euros net in October. Depending on the personal situation of the beneficiaries, it may be paid by their employer, the Urssaf, Ple emploi, the pension funds, the MSA or the CROUS.

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