More than 6 in 10 French people will spend the New Year at home with their family, according to our barometer

Under the sign of the Omicron variant, a New Year alone or limited to close family. According to our Harris Interactive / Euros Agency barometer for LCI published this Monday, December 27, no less than 63% of French people plan to spend December 31st by staying at home, “without welcoming external people” home.

By comparison, they were even more numerous, or 74%, to organize a New Year in a restricted circle a year ago, when France was already the subject of health measures to counter Covid-19.

According to our barometer, 18% of respondents still plan to organize a party at home by inviting people from outside the home, and 17% will go to a party organized with friends.

Logically, it is the youngest who plan to go out on the evening of December 31. A trend that remains however in the minority, even among them. For example, 25% of 18-24 year olds plan to invite friends to their home, and 25% also plan to visit friends to celebrate the New Year. The others will stay at home, and with their families.

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