Mother’s Day present: These are the best ideas!

Mother’s Day present – these are the best ideas!

© panna-yulka / Shutterstock

Are you looking for a nice and original Mother’s Day present? Be inspired by our gift ideas for mom!

The perfect gift for mom

Mum is the best! By Mother’s Day at the latest, it occurs to most children that they want their mother to be happy. Even if many mothers certainly do not want to admit it to themselves: Most of them expect a little attention from their children on Mum’s Day. But what is the best way to surprise your mother? What’s the perfect mother’s day gift?

Mother’s Day gifts: These are the classics

Are Easter gifts suitable Mother’s Day gifts? Yes, not surprisingly Flowers and chocolates also the most popular gifts. And if we’re being completely honest: You can’t go wrong with flowers in particular. A colorful bouquet requires little creativity, makes mom happy – and you can get one at every corner (by the way, a pretty one is also madeVase good for it!)

Flowers – but a very specific kind, please

Flowers are particularly useful for all those who have forgotten when the day of the day is actually celebrated (little tip: It’s always the second Sunday in May) and who are looking for Mother’s Day gifts at the last minute so that they don’t go empty-handed stand in front of mother’s door. If you know your mother’s favorite variety, you can’t go wrong.

Chocolate makes mom happy

In addition to flowers, chocolate in all variations is also one of the tops of Mother’s Day gifts. Important: When it comes to chocolate and other sweets, you should be very sure what your mom likes – and then you can also make chocolate yourself. Individual and with a heart ❤️. Otherwise, in the end it is a kind of attention that is meant nicely, but that will very likely end up in a drawer.

Mother’s Day present: what is mom happy about?

Apart from flowers and chocolates – which present is mom really happy about? Probably the simplest answer to this question is: about a Gift set made of attention and time.

Pay your mother a visit

You haven’t visited your mother or your parents in a long time? Then drive by, bring a (homemade) cake (there are recipes for Mother’s Day cake here) and just take some time. Just about that visit Mums of their adult children are especially happy, especially if you rarely see each other. Perhaps you are also planning to visit your grandma together? These gifts are the best Mother’s Day gifts ever!

Send a card for Mother’s Day

If you live too far away, you should send a Mother’s Day card in good time. A personalized, small gesture that shows: I haven’t forgotten you (and this day) because you are important to me. If you have time, you also call. By the way, dads are also happy to receive a little attention on Father’s Day.

More ideas for a Mother’s Day gift

Give time for two

Also a nice gift idea: Put mom in the car and take her to a nice one Coffee shop or restaurant. For mother-daughter duos, the weekend is also suitable for a relaxed one Wellness excursion or a Short break with an overnight stay in a hotel for which there might otherwise be little time. Other idea: a Photo shoot with mom organize – because a photo like this lasts forever – the perfect, personalized Mother’s Day gift!

Personalized gift ideas

It’s especially cool when you then add the photo to a Cup, one pillow, one Phone case, one Lantern or one Glass photo, possibly with engraving, can be processed. The company makes engraved gifts, for example Personello at. But of course the photo also looks good in the showcase. By the way: Something that can be personalized is ALWAYS a good idea. Regardless of the occasion!

Mother’s day gifts for dinner

And here are a few more culinary Mother’s Day gifts: Our recipes for Mother’s Day are suitable to give your mother a delicious breakfast to conjure up with pancakes and Co. or the right one Pastries to bring for the coffee table in a pretty cookie jar – included Heart shaped cake.

Other enjoyment highlights can be finer tea – ideally in special or unusual varieties – or presents from the Delicatessen store (e.g. delicate sausages with a matching glass cutting board).

And before the fathers get nervous – they don’t go away empty-handed on Father’s Day: Of course we don’t just think about Mother’s Day gifts – we are already brooding over Father’s Day gifts!

Do it yourself: DIY gift ideas for mom

Personal DIY gifts surprise mothers, especially on their special day. Create a personal gift according to your skills. Whether a self-made packaging, such as a gift box with different types of self-made pastries, self-made bath salt for a little relaxation or simply loving Mother’s Day poems on a self-made card. Customizable, homemade gifts are not only fun, but also bring joy to the recipient.

Not just on Mother’s Day: Make mom happy on EVERY opportunity

Which present for which occasion?

  • birthday: Here it can be a slightly larger gift, for which you can also pool with dad, your siblings and other relatives. If your mom fulfills a heartfelt wish or is looking for ideas that have to do with her interests – it’s her birthday after all.
  • Christmas: Smaller gifts are the right choice here, preferably with a personal touch. If you are creative and your hobbies include scrapbooking, sewing, knitting and the like, this will surely be easy for you. If not, customizable Christmas gifts, such as a slate heart with a slogan, are also a good choice. In general, a loving message about gifts and the fact that they are something that can be personalized is more important than their price.

Our advice: It goes without saying that you listen to your mom. Nevertheless, keep your eyes and ears open from now on – and make a note of it as soon as possible if you come across a fancy gift idea.

A few tips: gift ideas for mom from different categories

Knowing mom’s interests is already half the battle. Before buying the gifts, you should ask yourself the following question: What hobbies does she have, both indoors and outdoors? Need some inspiration? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Handicrafts and handicrafts: Accessories for handicrafts such as pretty stamps or rare fabrics and Wool
  • Plants and garden: Utensils for gardening or ready-made sets for growing kitchen herbs
  • Sports: Devices and Home training aids, Vouchers from shops for sporty functional clothing
  • Going out and things to do: Tickets for an event or a voucher for a dinner in your favorite restaurant or a special cooking class

The BRIGITTE editors have also collected a few creative ideas. Take a look here: Gift ideas for Mother’s Day.

Video tip: Why do we actually celebrate Mother’s Day?

Why do we celebrate Mother's Day?  Daughter presents bouquet of flowers to mom

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Teaser picture: Doreen Salcher / shutterstock