Mozilla buries crypto donations after Twitter crash-landed

The organization behind the Firefox browser has faced strong headwinds over the past week. The foundation then decided to pause the possibility of crypto donations for the time being.

In one Statement Mozilla explains on Twitter that from now on the organization will check to what extent crypto donations are compatible with the climate goals. Therefore, the foundation is suspending the possibility of donating crypto for the time being. “We look forward to this conversation and thank our community for bringing this issue to our attention,” said Mozilla.

“Planet-burning rip-offs”

One contribution in particular seems to have weighed heavily on the foundation. Because Mozilla’s co-founder Jamie Zawinsky himself commented on the organization’s tweet and earned over 20,000 likes. In it he threw swear words about himself and revealed his disappointment in the Mozilla Foundation for their crypto acceptance. At the same time he announced that “everyone involved in the project should be deeply ashamed of this decision to team up with planet-burning rip-offs”.

Zawinsky was there when Mozilla was launched as an open source project in 1998, but left the project a year later. With his criticism, the co-founder alludes to the environmental concerns that arise regularly in the crypto space.

Read too

We dealt with the discussion about the crypto scene and its impact on the climate in the July issue of our monthly magazine Cryptocompass dealt with.

Criticism upon Criticism

But that’s not all. After the Mozilla Foundation responded to the criticism of its followers and users by pausing crypto donations, criticism is now pouring out from other corners.

Dogecoin founder Billy Markus commented the Mozilla tweet as well and wrote:

Wait for people to find out about the environmental cost of the paper dollar and all of the banking infrastructure. I am sure they will be just as shocked by their own ongoing environmental impact.

Billy Markus, Dogecoin Co-Founder, on Twitter

Another Twitter user writesalso that it is a “shame” that Mozilla “fell victim to the hysteria and hatred of crypto currencies [fällt]that has recently been observed ”.

Mozilla is not alone in the face of headwinds from crypto critics. Ubisoft recently experienced a major setback from the gaming community. After the French company announced weapon, outfit and vehicle skins as NFTs on the Tezos blockchain, it came under heavy criticism.

It seems like the Mozilla Foundation can’t please anyone right now. Which argument will ultimately work and whether the Mozilla Foundation will soon accept crypto donations again remains to be seen.

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