Much too early in the year – the Sonnblick summit is snow-free – already!

Practically no snow at the Salzburg Sonnblick. And already now. This has never happened since records began. And they’ve been running for 84 years.

The Sonnblick is 3106 meters high, the glaciated mountain of the main Alpine ridge in the Goldberg group in Salzburg, just on the border with Carinthia. Normally there should still be plenty of snow on the summit at this time of the year. But he doesn’t. The ZAMG (Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics) reported a snow depth of 0.6 centimeters on Wednesday. Snow cover disappeared much too early Two weeks ago, according to records, there was still a 152 centimeter thick snow cover. A week ago it was still 91 centimeters. But now this rest has also disappeared. The worrying thing: the Sonnblick was usually snow-free at some point in the summer, but never so early in the year. The previous snow-free reports came in mid-August at the earliest. Currently there should still be a good two meters of white splendor here.
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