Multilingual posters and spots: New vaccination campaign to reach hesitant people

Multilingual posters and spots
New vaccination campaign to reach those who hesitate

Vaccination is still considered the ideal way out of the pandemic. But some people fear the spades or simply do not care about a vaccination appointment. She wants to reach the federal government with new poster motifs, TV and radio spots in several languages.

The federal government will start a new vaccination campaign in the coming week to increase the willingness of the population to be vaccinated. “A broad vaccination campaign with posters, radio and TV spots will start on Tuesday, which is more creative than the previous ones. And it is in very different languages,” said Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach of “Bild am Sonntag”. He will promote both primary vaccinations, which reduce the risk of death, and booster injections against the omicron wave.

Lauterbach believes that significantly more vaccinations are necessary for those over 60 in order to be able to take responsibility for easing the corona measures. “In countries like Italy and England, less than five percent of the over 60-year-olds have no or only insufficient vaccination protection. These countries are therefore slowly reducing measures. In Germany, however, the vaccination gap is much larger and affects too many older and previously ill people.” , he told the “Rheinische Post”. “It would be irresponsible to let the virus loose on this large risk group without contact restrictions,” said the SPD politician.

Therefore, he is also in favor of compulsory vaccination in order to close the vaccination gap in the fall. Lauterbach urgently appealed to all unvaccinated people to take on social responsibility. “For two years we have been very considerate of the unvaccinated and as a society – especially the children – we have made extremely large sacrifices. It can’t go on like this any longer. For a change, it’s finally the turn of the unvaccinated! And they don’t even have to make a sacrifice because the vaccines are well tolerated, safe and extremely effective,” stressed Lauterbach.

Majority (still) in favour

In a survey by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the German Press Agency, 60 percent supported a general obligation to vaccinate, 32 percent are against it, and 8 percent did not provide any information. At the beginning of December, 63 percent were still in favor and only 30 percent against. The Bundestag wants to debate general vaccination requirements for the first time next Wednesday.

The Minister of Health does not expect that in the event of mandatory vaccination being introduced, a fourth dose will be absolutely necessary after a triple vaccination that has already taken place. “Anyone who has had three vaccinations with mRNA vaccines or a similarly effective vaccine today or in the future has good basic immunization. Today’s triple vaccination would therefore satisfy every vaccination requirement.” The only thing that is being worked on is a “duty to provide proof of vaccination”. “No doctor should be obliged to convince people to vaccinate or to urge them to do so, because there will be no compulsory vaccination,” said Lauterbach, referring to a reaction from the panel doctors, who strictly rejected the enforcement of a state-imposed compulsory vaccination in practices had.

With a view to the booster vaccinations, all previous knowledge worldwide would indicate that such a basic immunization would permanently protect against serious Covid diseases. “A decrease in this protection in this regard has not yet been determined and I do not expect it,” emphasized Lauterbach. “But it’s important to me that people don’t wait for the new vaccines to be boosted. Because the vaccines that are already available help perfectly against serious illnesses caused by all known variants. Anyone who hasn’t already done so should get boosters immediately,” said Lauterbach. He expects that the new Biontech vaccine will not only protect against Omicron, but just as well against all other variants.

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