Murder Commission Istanbul: Comeback and Farewell with “Murder Commission Istanbul”

Homicide Squad Istanbul
Comeback and farewell with “Murder Commission Istanbul”

Erol Sander as Commissioner Mehmet Özakin in “Murder Commission Istanbul”.

© ARD Degeto / Marilena Anastasiadou

After a break of several years, Erol Sander is celebrating his comeback as a commissioner in “Istanbul Murder Commission”. It’s also a farewell film.

Actor Erol Sander (52) was not so present on German television for a while. He celebrated a kind of small comeback with his participation in this year’s season of the dance show “Let’s Dance” (RTL, final on May 28) alongside professional dancer Marta Arndt (31). Unfortunately, show five ended again in mid-April for the actor, who was born in Istanbul, Turkey and grew up in Munich. But the big comeback is already waiting for the fans on Saturday evening (May 29).

Comeback in the farewell film

The crime thriller “Istanbul Murder Commission – Decision in Athens” (8:15 pm, the first) is the 23rd and also the farewell film in the German-Turkish series with Erol Sander as Commissioner Mehmet Özakin. He was last seen in his star role in April 2019. In the new film, Commissioner Özakin goes on an unofficial assignment abroad to help his ex-wife Sevim Özakin, played by Idil Üner (49), to track down her missing partner and his kidnapped daughter in the Greek capital Athens …

It is the 19th joint film by Erol Sander and Idil Üner, which was part of the game from the first episode in 2008 to 2017. The reunion while filming with his film wife or film ex-wife was great, says Sander enthusiastically in an interview with the broadcaster. “We had a lot of fun.” How long they hadn’t seen each other, Sander noticed especially in the children: “Your two children grew up, and it was nice to see the development from babies to teenagers today,” recalls the actor. “Unbelievable how fast time passes.”

Love comeback in early 2020

In private life too, things have long been back to normal. Erol Sander and his wife (since 2000), Caroline Goddet (45), have had a bad and partly public separation from 2017 on. But the parents of two sons got together again and made the love comeback public in early 2020.

“We had our happy ending like in our own film,” said Caroline Goddet, summarizing the happy turn of events in a double interview with “Bild am Sonntag” together. Sander also confirmed that this is really something special: It doesn’t happen very often “that couples get back together after a crisis like ours.” They got the curve and are grateful for it, she added.
