Namadia attacks some adventurers


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Koh-Lanta’s last season was explosive. After a final without a winner, the tongues of the former candidates loosen and bring their share of criticism.

Namadia, the ex-candidate of the Koh-Lanta 2012 edition and participating in the recent “legend” season, is not kind to his former teammates. It is his turn to comment on the adventure and especially the behavior of certain candidates who seem to displease him. Namadia is known for his outspokenness and now that the “legend” edition has come to an end, he wasted no time in saying what he thought about it.

Without naming any candidates in particular, Namadia decided to throw a little spades to criticize the hypocrisy of some people vis-à-vis the production. “It criticizes the production, the adventurers, Koh-Lanta … etc. But when you call them for a little light, they respond directly and strangely, it’s the most beautiful thing of their life ”, he wrote on his Twitter account. He criticized candidates for chasing after glory. “For visibility we forget everything eh. You are geniuses ”, Namadia adds.

An edition that left no one unmoved

Namadia is not the first candidate to criticize Koh-Lanta’s last season. A weariness seems to have settled in among the candidates who moderately appreciated the progress of Koh-Lanta: the legend. On December 19, Coumbra also castigated the outcome of the adventure broadcast on TF1. In a live on Instagram, she had let go, she was frank about her absence during the Koh-Lanta final:

“It was shot in the afternoon. All that for what? To say, ‘You don’t have the right to speak and if you do speak, it’s going to be cut in the edit anyway.’ I like to talk, explain myself, say things. You wanted to hold our mouths … What was I going to do there? This final was a masquerade! If it had been live, can -to be that my body would not have been sick that evening “, Coumbra had blasted, frankly disappointed with the game show finale.

Koh-Lanta: the legend made an impression, because for the first time the adventure did not designate a winner at the end of the game. After discovering important cheating in the game, the production chose not to not pay the 100,000 euros in prize money to the winner of the game show. The sum was ultimately donated to the Bertrand-Kamal Foundation for reasons of equity.

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends that she dissects with words. She has a particular focus on women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she …

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