Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan: “A stab in the back” for the Chinese ambassador to France

Earlier this week, the leader of the American deputies Nancy Pelosi went to Taiwan, against the will of China, which claims the territory. Since then, relations between the two countries seem to be at an all-time low. For its part, China has deployed major military maneuvers around Taiwan. In this context, Lu Shaye, Chinese ambassador to France, returned to the subject at the microphone of Europe 1.

“This visit violates the one-China principle”

“Between China and the United States, there are three joint communiqués and the first concerns the bilateral relations between the two countries: the Americans have pledged to recognize the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as the sole government legal status of China. In this context, the United States can only have unofficial relations with Taiwan,” he said.

“Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is not unofficial. Her visit contradicts the Americans’ commitment and it violated the one-China principle, which is universal consensus and a fundamental norm governing relations. Before his visit, China asked the Americans to cancel this visit several times, that’s why we are very shocked,” added the Chinese ambassador to France.

“This visit is a stab in the back. President Xi Jinping had reminded during his call with Joe Biden that the will of the Chinese people is inviolable and that those who play with fire will pay with fire. serious provocation,” he said.

“China is ready for anything”

As for the question of a possible referendum to settle the independence of Taiwan, Lu Shaye considers that “if we have to hold one, we must do it in all of China. The future of Taiwan must be decided by all the population. .” Now what worries the world is the possibility of war. On this point, Lu Shaye is clear: “China is ready for anything. Whoever wants peace prepares for war”, even if according to him, “this war would not target the people of Taiwan but the secessionist forces for the independence of Taiwan and the foreign anti-Chinese forces that support them. War preparation is a way to deter these forces from crossing the red line.”

The Chinese ambassador also returned to the country’s relations with France and the displayed support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who described Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan as a “provocation”. “I very much appreciate the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and I wonder why in France, there are few people who criticize the provocation of Nancy Pelosi. We must criticize this American provocation. France must take a more equitable position on this issue. China is a victim in this case,” he concluded.

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