Nathalie Arthaud has no children: “I assume it completely”

The candidate of Workers’ struggle (LO) Nathalie Arthaud is happy: she obtained the 500 sponsorships necessary to run for president, before the communist Fabien Roussel, the leader of Résistons! Jean Lassalle and the ecologist Yannick Jadot. Indeed, the Constitutional Council validated this February 15, 2022 1,851 new sponsorships and the heiress of Arlette Laguiller thus becomes the third woman – after Valérie Pécresse and Anne Hidalgo – to have the precious signatures to be a formal candidate on April 10 with its 509 signatures. The result of a long fieldwork that the activists of Lutte Ouvrière tirelessly carried out, preferring to discuss face-to-face with elected officials than to make media appearances. Nathalie Arthaud’s intense investment in defending her ideas left little room for her private life and the idea of ​​starting a family. Very modest, she had indeed broached the subject briefly in the media.

The 51-year-old associate professor of economics and management managed to make her place in the presidential race by obtaining the necessary sponsorships before the fateful date of March 4. This is his third participation in the supreme election. More than ever, she will be able to devote herself to her campaign, which leaves her little time for the rest and especially not to talk about her personal life. At the microphone of Jean-Jacques Bourdin in 2017, she had explained: “I don’t have much opportunity to express myself in the media and the priority is obviously to defend my program.”

What the animator will nevertheless obtain as information is first of all thatshe lives in concubinage with someone in a 48 square meter apartment in Seine-Saint-Denis. Then, she will answer questions about not having children : “I totally assume it. It was a personal choice, one thing leading to another, it just comes like that”.

A decision that resonates with that of his eldest, Arlette Laguiller. In Gala in 2002, the historical figure of the party declared:I don’t have children, it’s a choice. I don’t have one because I never stopped militatingr.” The two women have chosen to invest all their energy for the final fight and as far as Nathalie Arthaud is concerned, the battle is more than ever launched.

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