natives of this sign are the most intelligent, according to a study (they have the Nobel Prize record)

Each astrological sign has its character, its qualities and its faults. And speaking of competence, according to a study, an astrological sign stands out for its intelligence. Maybe you are one of them?

Astrological signs have always been an area of ​​fascination for the population. And more and more studies on the characteristics of each sign are carried out every year. Today, it is the result of a study published on the GoCompare site which is interesting to read for some of the people born under a certain harmony of stars.

The authors of this study aimed to determine which are the most intelligent astrological signs. To do this, they analyzed the sign of the people who have received the most Nobel Prizes in all fields, since 1901, that is to say with the creation of this honorable prize. As a reminder, this title is awarded to people who have contributed to great advances for humanity.

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They are the smartest astrological signs

Without further ado, here is the podium of the most intelligent astrological signs according to this study. First, these are people born between May 22 and June 21, therefore under the sign Gemini, who have a greater capacity for intelligence. Indeed, among the Nobel Prize winners, there are 97 Geminis, including Bob Dylan for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016 and Betty Williams for peace in 1976.

The next astrological sign with 93 Nobel Prize winners is Balance, that is to say people born between September 23 and October 22. As for third place, it is the Virgos, born between August 23 and September 22 who won 88 Nobel Prizes. Irène Joliot-Curie, the daughter of Pierre and Marie Curie, born under the sign of Virgo, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935.

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These astrological signs are less efficient

Let’s continue in the astrological signs that have shone by being the winners of different Nobel prizes. In 4th grade, the study places the sign Cancer with 81 prices. With slightly fewer winners, the Rams follow with 76 awards. Next are the Bulls for 73 winners of this famous prize. Then there are the Sagittarians with 71 Nobel Prizes, Pisces with 66 prices and finally the Aquarius with 65 winners.

On the penultimate step, the Lions and the Scorpios are both tied. To end on this ranking, it is the sign Capricorn who received the fewest Nobel Prizes according to the study. Obviously, these figures and results are not measurable data. Indeed, the Nobel Prize does not necessarily reward the most scientifically intelligent people. Other characteristics come into play to be the winner of this fabulous title, as expressed by Cnews on its website.

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