Natty Belmondo: this new project she has just embarked on, encouraged by Stella

Very close to each other, Stella and Natty Belmondo face the ordeal of loss. Having come of age last August, the actor’s daughter plans to leave France … While the ex-wife of Magnifique is dedicated to her new project!

How to overcome the mourning of a father? Three months after the death of Jean-Paul Belmondo at the age of 88, his daughter Stella, 18, is still looking for answers. But Natty, her mother, ensures that a future is shaping up. And understand that it takes a shape a little different from that of the “children of” who drag their heredity like heavy useless particles. Stella, as her first name predisposes her to – star in Italian -, is a bright young girl. Former member of the company of the choreographer Redha, his mother, trained in the discipline of dance, made sure to transmit to him the values ​​of work and humility. Whether with her dad or her mom, since birth, Stella has traveled the world and stayed in the most beautiful hotels. If her mother has always preferred that she take taxis rather than public transport very late at night, out of prudence, it has also been question that the girl keeps her feet on the ground by presenting excellent academic results. which is the case.

At 12 years old already, Stella, emeritus rider, was the pride of her father who then explained in Paris Match to have offered her a gray mare to congratulate her on her good grades, revealing bits and pieces of an accomplice routine in passing: ” Every other Saturday, I accompany him to the merry-go-round in the vicinity of Paris “. Graduated last July with a baccalaureate obtained at the very prestigious international bilingual school Jeannine-Manuel, in the 7e Parisian arrondissement, not far from where it lives, the youngest of the Belmondo line is currently following a double school curriculum in international relations and business management in London and Paris. But what good is it to be bilingual as she is if not to travel the world? Next year, the young girl aims to emigrate to England in order to continue her training. She will meet there one of her best friends Claire, herself currently educated in a London university. But would move away from her Best Friend Forever, Joalukas Noah, the son of producer Isabelle Camus and tennis player Yannick Noah, or his great fiesta buddy, model and influencer Loïc Bilong, also spotted in the company of Jade Hallyday.

Quite discreet about his life or his outings, Stella, who has 63,000 subscribers on Instagram, made sure to delete, two years ago, her oldest publications to keep only eight photos left public. A prudent decision, taken without even referring to his mother, the better to protect himself from outside eyes. The social network draws a rather wise image of her. She is not very talkative about her emotions. As at the state funeral of her father on September 9 when she presented herself so dignified and sober on the forecourt of the Invalides, internalizing his pain. Learning not to slip, to preserve her privacy, her joys or her sorrows, Stella has been doing it since she was little. For her, as for her mother, who knew how to be thrifty of her memories in the mourning of Jean-Paul Belmondo with whom she lived for nineteen years, from 1989 to 2008, speaking is as rare as it is sacred.

When Stella was the exception to the rule, it was to better pay tribute to her dad. In a documentary, Belmondo the influencer, directed by Jeff Domenech and broadcast in November 2020 on Paris Première, it delivered a touching testimony on the icon of French cinema: “I am very, very proud that it is my father and I am his biggest fan. I am aware that I’m lucky to have a daddy like this, not just because he’s an actor or whatever, but just as a daddy. “

Complain about having an elderly or tired parent? Stella, born when Bébel was 70 years old, two years after a terrible stroke requiring & rehabilitation, never had the idea. Youngest daughter of a family of four children, three of whom were born from a previous union with her father – Patricia, who died at the age of 40, in 1994, Florence born 1960, and Paul born in 1963 -, she had the elegance, on the contrary , to extol the merits of his situation. “I know my dad wasn’t the same with my siblings before. I know he was much stricter. But I came last so I had rather a very cool and very kind daddy, which is not very bossy. I think he had a lot of influence on me and his character traits that inspired me the most are friendliness, zest for life and courage. “

So far very close to his mother who posted on Instagram on his 17th birthday ” You are my whole life “, The miss, who shares with the latter a certain taste for fashion – Natty does not miss a Chanel show -, is therefore preparing to take off. And while she searches for a shared apartment in Shakespeare’s Land, she also encourages her mother to move on. Via Instagram, recently, the second wife of the sacred cinema monster shared with her followers a new entrepreneurial adventure during gestation. Natty Belmondo is the co-founder of Maison ELOE, the first platform exclusively dedicated to vintage jewelry and watches signed by luxury brands such as Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Bulgari … A passion that came to Natty from an Italian jeweler uncle with whom, as a child, she loved to spend time, helping her with her creations, and which could alleviate the “empty nest syndrome” after Stella’s departure.

Not long ago, Joalukas Noah’s mother, Isabelle Camus, testified to us of the qualities of the second wife of The ace of aces: She is a good mother, very attentive and endowed with healthy values ​​”. Now it’s up to her to reinvent herself without Jean-Paul or his daughter nearby. To console himself for these absences, one current and the other to come, Natty can always congratulate himself on the results of his good education. In 2019, Stella confided to Paris Match : ” I hate to be reduced to my lineage. It’s almost humiliating, I would rather be identified for my merits. Here she is, barely of age, on the way to achieving it. From where he is, Jean-Paul must appreciate his lucky star


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