natural tips to remove brown spots quickly

Calculus can lurk everywhere in the house, especially in the toilet. And washing them isn’t always easy, especially if you don’t have the right accessories. Here are some tips to eliminate it quickly and naturally with inexpensive products.

Cleaning floors to ceilings, washing dishes, maintaining your apartment or house from the bathroom to the kitchen … If on paper, it may seem easy to do, in reality, it is not, especially if you don’t have time to do it. Several effective options are available to remove dirt and to descale surfaces and areas of the house that need it.

Tartar is a deposit of lime that can form anywhere there is water, because the latter naturally contains lime. This is why we can find it in the toilets (in the bowl or on the walls or at the bottom) or in the shower (on the shower head or tap for example). Whenever you flush the toilet, hard water can leave scale deposits. It results in yellowish or brown traces in the bottom of the toilet. It is not dental calculus. The latter is different since it refers to the deposit that forms from dental plaque, that is, an accumulation of bacteria. Simple soap cannot overcome it. Soap has no descaling power.

How to overcome it naturally and in an ecological way?

It’s pretty simple, you have to follow some ecological tips. There are many environmentally friendly products to use, you don’t need to go for products that are toxic to you and the environment. Especially since some products that are too aggressive and astringent can damage your pipes, especially if they are old. Indeed, after a certain time, the pipes become more fragile. If the pipes are damaged, you can end up with water damage, leaks… It must be taken care of. How to remove lime from toilets quickly by disinfecting them? Discover our tips and natural solutions to remove traces of lime while disinfecting surfaces.

How to descale the toilet naturally with baking soda?

Baking soda is a natural white powder that can be used for many things. If it is food grade (look carefully on the bag before using it in the kitchen), you can use it for recipes. But above all, baking soda is very useful for getting rid of dirt throughout the house: it is multitasking and ideal for household maintenance.

Baking soda can even come in the form of crystals. First of all, if you don’t want to damage your nails, you absolutely have to wear gloves. To use it, nothing could be simpler. Pour in some white vinegar (a multi-purpose liquid) and add three or four tablespoons of baking soda to the toilet bowl. It can be slightly effervescent: it is very useful for removing and eliminating tartar. Let the product sit overnight and flush.

How to descale the toilet naturally with white vinegar?

Just like baking soda, white vinegar is a natural liquid and useful for lots of different household chores to maintain your interior. It has great cleaning power. You can use it to sanitize and descale your toilets (walls and bottom). Pour half a liter of white vinegar into the bowl and leave to act. You can leave the broom in the toilet bowl to clean it too. Then, then, spray the toilet bowl and around the toilet with the liquid and scrub. By cleaning the entire toilet, you are eliminating bacteria and making sure that part of your home is clean.

How to descale the toilet naturally with citric acid?

Acid is very useful for getting rid of tartar present in your interior (walls and bottom of toilets, bathroom, kitchen) because it dissolves it: it therefore has a great descaling power. Ideal for cleaning. This acid is found in lemon, hence its name. It can be found in powder in the trade, and sometimes in crystals. It can be used, for example, to descale and help with the maintenance of the kettle. Just put a tablespoon in it, then let it sit without boiling. Then, rinse well: the tartar is gone. For cleaning the walls of the toilets, nothing could be simpler. Put on your gloves to protect your hands, then mix hot water and a few tablespoons of citric acid, and pour the mixture into the bowl. Scrub with the broom and finally flush. Descaling is successful!

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