Neem oil: effect and application |

Neem oil
Effect and application

© mirzamlk / Shutterstock

Neem is an effective crop protection product against pests. You can find out everything about the use and effects of neem oil here.

Origin of neem

  • The neem tree, also called Indian lilac, is closely related to the mahogany trees and is growing particularly in Bangladesh and East India. The tree needs very little care and can withstand extreme heat and drought relatively unscathed.
  • The tree that also grown in Africa, Australia or America has white flowers that are very similar in smell to jasmine. In the flowers themselves are the fruits that are edible.
  • Neem products were used for healing in various treatments as early as several hundred years before Christ. Nowadays, the focus is on combating pests such as aphids, among other things with neem oil (also called neem oil).

Neem oil: manufacture

  • Neem oil (neem oil) is made from the fruits of the tree won. These are harvested from January to April. The fruit that has fallen from the tree is collected and the pulp and core are separated from each other.
  • The complex method of extracting the oil lies in the Soak the kernels in wateruntil an extract is made from it. It is faster to remove the oil from the kernels through the chemical use of hexane. The Cold pressing of the cores however, the best way to make neem oil is. This is how the ingredients develop optimally.

Neem Oil: Important Ingredients

Neem oil likely contains over 100 ingredients. However, scientists have only been able to identify around 35 of them so far. The effect of the oil is mainly due to the combination of ingredients.

  • Salaninne
  • Nimbidin
  • Nimbin (bitter substance)
  • Azadirachtin
  • NIM-76
  • Flavonoids
  • 6-deacetylnimbine

Effects of neem oil

  • Because of its effective effects, you can use neem oil on dogs, animals and in the garden (see application). First and foremost, the oil fights viruses, parasites and pests and is also characterized by a hair care effect.
  • First and foremost, the Azadirachtin is for them effective pest control responsible. When buying, however, it is important to ensure that the quality and concentration of the product are of high quality.
  • Another great benefit of neem oil is that it’s its toxic effect only on pests shows. The oil can be of great service to us humans or pets. Especially for dry skin, wounds and eczema.
  • The oil can be used for animals to free their fur from lice and fleas and to strengthen the skin. However, not every pet reacts positively to the application and the effect can vary in strength. As a result, slowly get your pet used to the product.

Neem oil: side effect

With careful dosing, no side effects are known. Just make sure to use only small amounts of the oil (see application). Otherwise there is a risk that the agent will have toxic properties. You should be particularly careful with cats, as they lack an enzyme to break down essential oils.

Application of neem oil

As you have already learned, neem oil can be used on humans, animals and plants. As effective means of combating ailments it can be used in the following areas. It is important that the application only takes place externally. The seeds of the neem tree and the oil are too strong for internal use.

  • Warts
  • Wounds
  • head lice
  • itching
  • Athlete’s foot
  • bronchitis
  • to cough
  • Cystitis
  • high blood pressure
  • Hives
  • rheumatism
  • Toothache
  • Vaginal inflammation

Neem oil for the skin

  • In traditional Ayurveda medicine, almost all parts of the neem tree (leaves, bark, fruits, etc.) are used for a healing effect. Since the seeds exude an antibacterial effect, you can use the oil if you have a fever or for dental hygiene. Neem oil is also used for many skin diseases such as acne or herpes.
  • Mix the oil with a vegetable oil for use on the skin, such as almond oil. Always start with a small dose and test how your skin reacts to the oil. You can also purchase products containing the oil. For example toothpaste for dental hygiene or hand soap.

Neem oil for pets

  • Important: The application may only be made externally, otherwise the mucous membranes will be irritated. If, for example, the dog ingests the oil through the nose or mouth, you should consult a veterinarian immediately.
  • In dogs, the oil ensures that larvae cannot develop well and mites are driven awaybecause they can’t stand the smell. The oil is used by mixing it with dog shampoo. To remove the unpleasant smell of the oil from the dog, you should also add a little tea tree oil.

Neem oil in plants and insects

  • You can use the oil as an insecticide in the garden. To do this, you only take a few milliliters of oil and mix it with a liter of water. For finer use around the house, neem oil is also available as a spray against mites and moths.
  • The active ingredient azadirachtin makes the plant inedible for insects. You can either spray the diluted oil directly onto the plant or add it to the irrigation water. You should not use the oil in rain or strong sun, otherwise there is a risk that the leaves will be burned or the oil will be washed off immediately.

These essential oils will help you lose weight

Buy neem oil

  • Despite all of the beneficial effects of neem oil, there is also one major drawback. Since the oil can only be grown in dry areas with a tropical or subtropical climate, it has to travel long distances.
  • The Carbon footprint of the oil is therefore anything but positive. You should therefore not use neem oil permanently as the sole oil. After all, there are enough other oils that also have a great effect.

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