Nespresso employees find over 500 kilos near Freiburg

In Romont, the police seized cocaine worth 50 million Swiss francs. More has only been discovered in Basel so far.

Nespresso employees must have been amazed when they discovered an unknown white substance while unloading sacks of freshly delivered coffee beans in the warehouse at the Romont site on Monday. As the cantonal police in Friborg announced on Thursday, she then analyzed the white powder and it turned out to be cocaine.

In the end, more than 500 kilograms of cocaine were discovered in the other shipping containers delivered from Brazil. According to initial police investigations, the containers were delivered by train. The find is one of the largest finds of cocaine in Swiss history.

The confiscated cocaine.

Friborg cantonal police

Around 20 employees of the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (BAZG) were deployed on site. With the help of special devices, they scanned the various containers and helped search them, according to the canton police.

Sales value of over 50 million francs

The confiscated cocaine has a purity of over 80 percent, according to the police, and its market value is estimated at over 50 million Swiss francs.

The largest Swiss fund to date took place in Basel in 2019. There the police confiscated 603 kilos of the white powder. Eight people therefore had to answer before the Zagreb District Court for drug trafficking in a criminal organization. Switzerland had extradited those affected to Croatia. The European police authority Europol coordinated the investigations under the name “Operation Familia” and later presented the case with a short film.

There is not yet a film about the find in Freiburg. Also, no further information can be announced until further notice. However, the public prosecutor of the canton of Friborg has launched an investigation.

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