Netflix is ​​threatened with mass layoffs: is there no more price increase?


Netflix is ​​preparing for a wave of layoffs. At least in the event of a further price increase. So many customers are no longer willing to pay additional costs for the subscription.

The air is getting thin for Netflix in the upper price range – because many customers no longer want to bear further increases in subscription costs. (Source: Netflix)

  • According to a survey, Netflix is ​​facing a wave of layoffs.
  • If the streaming service continues to increase its prices, 35 percent of customers want to leave.
  • It will also be tight for Amazon Prime Video and other providers if there are further price increases.

Netflix is ​​the most expensive streaming service on the market, apart from expensive live sports offers like DAZN. The competition from Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video increased prices last year and still doesn’t come close to the around 18 euros (US price: 19.99 US dollars) that Netflix wants for a UHD-capable streaming subscription .

In this respect, it is hardly surprising that a large proportion of customers do not want to accept any further price increases at Netflix: According to the US business magazine “Forbes”, a whopping 35 percent of subscribers want to pull the ripcord if Netflix increases the price for streaming access further .

This puts Netflix at the top of the customer hit list, followed by Amazon Prime Video with 31 percent of subscribers willing to cancel in the event of a further increase in costs.

Disney+ keeps customers despite price increase

Netflix would like that: Streaming competitor Disney+ has grown rapidly since its launch in 2019 and has steadily increased the price ever since. In contrast to Netflix, Disney has probably not yet exhausted its customers’ willingness to pay:

According to the “Wall Street Journal”, around 94 percent of subscribers remained loyal to the streaming service despite the price increase last year. However, this may not only be due to exclusive franchise series like “The Mandalorian”, but also to the fact that the streaming service with subscription prices between 7.99 and 10.99 US dollars has not yet escalated in price as much as Netflix.

However, Disney+ is also on relatively thin ice: 28 percent of existing customers are also considering canceling if there is a further price increase.

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