Netflix: this awkward sex scene in Through My Window shocked internet users

Sensual new Spanish film on Netflix, Through My Window tells a steamy and complex teenage romance. But a sex scene particularly bothered Internet users.

Adapted from a popular novel on Wattpad [réseau social où les utilisateurs peuvent éditer et partager des récits, poèmes, fanfictions et romans en tout genre, ndlr]Through My Window tells a complicated and steamy teenage romance.

In this Netflix film, which is reminiscent of the After saga, Raquel (Clara Galle) tries to build a relationship with her neighbor Ares (Julio Peña), with whom she has fallen in love. But their budding story comes up against the very wealthy family of the young man who does not see their rapprochement with a very good eye.

An awkward intimate scene

Before consuming their love, Raquel and Ares play a game of cat and mouse and circle each other dangerously. The sexual tension escalates when they return from a night out at the nightclub. Raquel brings home Apolo (Hugo Arbues), Ares’ little brother, who has drunk too much to sleep.

Ares initially shows up pissed off but ends up lying in bed next to Raquel, who is herself placed next to Apolo. It is then that the young man begins to give pleasure to Raquel, who tries not to be too noisy, while the little brother is in the same bed.

This sequence did not fail to react to Internet users, shocked and disgusted by this bizarre intimate moment, especially that Ares holds the hand of his little brother Apolo while he touches Raquel.

Translation: “Can we talk about the disturbing scene in bed with Apolo, Ares and Raquel? In the book, they are not that close. And Ares holding his hand, it looks like incest , it was awful and not exciting at all. It was awkward and she was very close to Apolo.”

Translation: “Justice for Apolo”

Translation: “No, but… Ares touching Raquel, while holding Apolo’s hand…”

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