Netflix: this new feature will delight subscribers

Tired of seeing movies and series that you have no intention of continuing in Netflix’s “Resume Play” section? The platform has a surprise for you!

Netflix has just added a very interesting feature to its platform! Especially for subscribers who like to start different programs before they get tired of them and never finish them. Until now, these works remained in a list called “Resume reading” where you could continue viewing right where you left off.

If this is still the case without your intervention, the SVOD giant now offers you the possibility of removing the films and series that no longer interest you from this famous list, which can sometimes be anxiety-provoking. All you have to do is hover your mouse over the unwanted program, and click on the proposed cross to remove it from the section.

A function already available

Enough to make the profiles of subscribers much clearer! Already available on the Web, smartphone and TV versions of Netflix, this new function has been welcomed by Internet users on Twitter. “A button to ‘delete continue watching’ just appeared on my Netflix, and I swear my life is changed forever“, for example, wrote one of them.

It only remains for us to wish you a good cleaning!

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