never-before-seen images with a big and amazing surprise

James Cameron tells us more about Avatar 2: The Way of the Water with the bonus of new exclusive images. These shots linger on the characters of Kate Winslet and Sigourney Weaver.

Expected in cinemas on December 14, Avatar 2: The Way of Water is making headlines with new images and exclusive information from the Empire website. A news item dedicated to the roles assigned by director James Cameron (Terminator, Abyss…) to Kate Winslet and… Sigourney Weaver. And yes, surprise!

A bit of Titanic in Avatar 2

In Empire Magazine’s exclusive cover of Avatar 2: The Way of the Water, the character of Kate Winslet was revealed. She will be a Na’Vi warrior, Ronal, chief of the Metkayina tribe, who will go to war to protect her people.

She is deeply loyal and a fearless leader. She is strong. She’s a warrior. Even in the face of great danger, and while she is expecting a baby, she still joins her people and fights for what is dearest to her. His family and their home.

Kate Winslet via Empire.

Avatar 2: The Way of Water will therefore not escape strong female characters, an area in which James Cameron is like a fish in water. We inevitably think of Sarah Connor (Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day), Ripley (Aliens) or even Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) from Avatar first of the name.

The appearance of Kate Winslet is also important because it marks the reunion between the director and the actress. More than 20 years after the cult Titanic. And yes, she will go back into the water. In the snapshot below, Ronal appears with Tonowari, who is potentially another leader. Cliff Curtis (Fear the Walking Dead) lends him his features.

Sigourney Weaver back (spoilers!!!)

If you haven’t seen Avatar, you better not read any further.

After thinking about a possible return of Sigourney Weaver in Avatar 2: The Waterway, James Cameron came up with a subterfuge. The one who will remain forever Ellen Ripley will interfere in the skin of Kiri. A new Na’vi character who was not in the previous feature film. Who is she ? She is none other than the adopted teenage daughter of the two heroes Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) and Neytiri (Zoe Saldana). And this is a huge surprise for several reasons.

The first is that Sigourney Weaver, Doctor Grace Augustine, died in Avatar at the hands of Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang). The second is that the 72-year-old actress will portray a teenager in the Avatar program.

I think pretty much all of us remember how we felt as teenagers. This is clearly my case. I was about 1m80 at 11 years old. I firmly believed that Kiri would often feel uncomfortable. She is in search of identity. I was delighted that Jim (note: James Cameron) gave me this challenge.

Sigourney Weaver through Empire.

Sigourney Weaver as teenager Kiri in Avatar 2 The Way of Water.

A return to childhood

To condition herself for her role, Sigourney Weaver has obviously spent time with teenagers (and that’s not what’s missing in this sequel). According to director James Cameron, the challenge seems to have been met with flying colors.

As an acting challenge, it’s huge. We’re going to have an actress in her seventies playing a character decades younger than her actual biological age. Sig thought it was great fun. Sigourney just got younger. She looked younger, she had more energy, and she really never stepped out of her role as Kiri during the entire performance capture period. She had a glow on her face, a lightness in her step and a fun spirit.

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