New crypto team is working on the development of dApps

With Twitter Crypto, Jack Dorsey’s social media platform is creating a team to research dApps, the Web 3.0 and more.

Social media companies are increasingly venturing into the crypto space. Twitter has now announced that it will set up a team to deal with dApps, cryptocurrencies and blockchain. According to one Tweet from yesterday Wednesday, November 10th, Tess Rinearson, Councilor of the Interchain Foundation, will lead this team. Rinearson said they would work with the in-house Bluesky project on a decentralized social media platform. One wants

explore how ideas from crypto communities can help us push the boundaries of what is possible with identity, community, property, and more.

The initiative goes by the name Twitter Crypto and should not be confused with Crypto Twitter, by which the community of crypto users on the platform is meant. at Twitter Crypto According to the company, it is about decentralizing social media, and it should even be possible for content creators to earn crypto credit. The team should also be a “competence center for everything that has to do with blockchain and Web 3.0”.

Twitter makes crypto tips possible with Strike

The announcement comes less than two months after Twitter first introduced crypto tips for its users over the Lightning Network with the Strike app. Since then, the approximately 200 million daily active users have also had the option of adding a Bitcoin address directly to their profile.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is also known to pull the strings behind the crypto-friendly payment provider Square. His plan is a kind of decentralized exchange for Bitcoin to develop. Elsewhere, too, there is concern about platforms and projects that address some of the problems of centralization. A personality relating to Square, for example, fits into this context. Because that is where the former head of Microsoft’s team for decentralized identity, Daniel Buchner, is moving.

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